The thinking things (res cognitans) and the unthinking. But our attraction to will, especially unfettered, unconstrained, untamed or unhingeded will appears perverse.
As I dig each Sunday to uncover the diamond the size of refrigerator buried in my back yard, I ponder my will - the motivator for or cause of my shoveling. God's dirt is on God's yard. God's dirt is in God's hole. The answer not only blows in the wind, it exists along with the wind. Wind, the movement of some but not all gas molecules in our sea of molecules, curls like the gnarly pipeline above.
The Flower Sermon captures the motivation for the kind of will we can use. The student yearning for the glimpse of non-self "in charge" of decisions "from our selves" or the color of the flower petal.
I cannot regret my past. I am the product of my past and exist because of a sum of possible histories that delivered me here.
I cannot rewind the tape - no spoon exists. I cannot bend the spoon - no tape exists.
a aaabcd deeeee eee iiin nn nnnnn ooooo o oopprs ssss stt ttttw xx