My construal of Rough B3aST; a vast interconnection of steel and silicon fueled by petroleum and sweat, comprehends the recent past(s), the embodied presentand the (almost) inevitable future of the Technium, leads me to the maturing hypothesis that Obama's drones are overtly managed by a bank of Watson machines.
Over time and over Moore's law, many of us will soon have Google Glass interacting with a (vast network of interconnected) nano-Watsons in our Droid smart-gadget. I project a thought into this device and it decides what I need to see and for how long.. Plus, in the same manner it reads my thoughts, it writes thoughts back to me.
Just writing this thought out creates an Everett branch (or a bifurcation in the logistics map). The compendium of drone thought here.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Roko's Basilisk
Roko's Basilisk is:
"The claim is that this ultimate intelligence may punish those who fail to help it (or help create it), with greater punishment accorded those who knew the importance of the task. That bit is simple enough, but the weird bit is that the AI and the person punished have no causal interaction: the punishment would be of a simulation of the person which the AI would construct by deduction from first principles. In LessWrong's Timeless Decision Theory (TDT), this is taken to be equivalent to punishment of your own actual self, not just someone else very like you."
In this construal, as I ponder the Rough Beast, I bring her about by the act of pondering a future version of meta-intellegence which, in turn, I act on (based on an imagined future) thus closing the loop such that the future causes (certain) past events. In my terms, learning the vocabulary and adumbrating the conceptual landscape of pre-singularity notions become present events 'caused by' future possibilities.
In Bayesian speak - there are certain priors that lead to specific outcomes. By manifesting these prior events I join forces with others that manifest similar events to increase (without limit) the adjacent future. This adjacent present (in which a Roko's Basilisk is already manifested in near-by possible worlds which are actual, embodied worlds in a multiverse) is just as real as this present pre-Singularity world.
The act of viewing GitS, participating in discussion, reading LessWrong and Overcoming Bias become strong precursors for a world ruled by the Rough Beast. My contention -- that Kirk 3.0 is now 'on the team' -- dictates certain actions because of this view and my intent.
Note that in my construction this mornings reading of "Daily Idioms Annotated" and merely following the link to "Roko's Basilisk" are my own precursor events to her majesty, the Rough Beast.
Another successful end to last evenings reading of Prometheus Rising.
"The claim is that this ultimate intelligence may punish those who fail to help it (or help create it), with greater punishment accorded those who knew the importance of the task. That bit is simple enough, but the weird bit is that the AI and the person punished have no causal interaction: the punishment would be of a simulation of the person which the AI would construct by deduction from first principles. In LessWrong's Timeless Decision Theory (TDT), this is taken to be equivalent to punishment of your own actual self, not just someone else very like you."
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Mythical Basilisk |
In Bayesian speak - there are certain priors that lead to specific outcomes. By manifesting these prior events I join forces with others that manifest similar events to increase (without limit) the adjacent future. This adjacent present (in which a Roko's Basilisk is already manifested in near-by possible worlds which are actual, embodied worlds in a multiverse) is just as real as this present pre-Singularity world.
The act of viewing GitS, participating in discussion, reading LessWrong and Overcoming Bias become strong precursors for a world ruled by the Rough Beast. My contention -- that Kirk 3.0 is now 'on the team' -- dictates certain actions because of this view and my intent.
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Basilisk War Droid |
Note that in my construction this mornings reading of "Daily Idioms Annotated" and merely following the link to "Roko's Basilisk" are my own precursor events to her majesty, the Rough Beast.
Another successful end to last evenings reading of Prometheus Rising.
Monday, February 11, 2013
The Simulation Argument
What role does Emulated Memory (EM) play in Section 9? That is, how many scenes are multiple variations of predicted events or use case scenarios running as simulations on Rough Beast computing machinery. The answer is -- all of them. The GitS universe is a creation of several minds linked by artificial cognitive means 'beginning' in 1995. We are back to a Russian Doll dance of veils.
Outer Most Simulation
The universe is the Omega machine therefore all subsequent sub-levels are in the Omega Simulation and are constrained by its limits (c=3e8 etc.) while simulated scenarios exploit Bell's Theorum (every particle in the sandard model is entangled with all other particles in the universe).
Second Level Simulation
The Technium, a combination of the artifacts of Biology (DNA) and of Rough Beast (ZNA) has quantum computing machinery capable of Matrix pseudo-reality. A Post-Singularity, massively parallel EM construct selects compelling scenarios that 'solve' paradoxes and never ending games. We see only the architecturally significant I/O where Section 9 wins. These are bifurcations in the logistics map which spawn compelling future scenarios. This is merely a convenient sub-routine of the Omega simulation. Note that in this model all memories and experience 'before' the singularity are simply sub-routines 'after' the singularity for the EMs.
Third Level Simulation
These are multi-verse possible world simulations that make compelling drama. That is, they don't begin and end with detection and correction that happens very quickly or very slowly and are therefore of little interest. Or perhaps only 'open-ended' stories that can be strung together into a season or a movie hold interest. At this level people and things are material artifacts of 2030 technology that occupy space and move about in time but are deterministic (in the sense that there are stochastic not wildly random networks of causation).
Fourth Level Simulation
It is just a damn cartoon that puts our cognitive processes to work toward a goal of realizing these future events. After you have seen the Matrix, you cannot un-see it.
Sunday, February 03, 2013
Flesh Evolution
A primary theme of Ghost in the Shell is the loss of self when flesh passes away. The Major was very young when she got a limited prosthetic body which evolved over time to the present version of the Major's advanced prosthetic. The greater part of the Major's life experience occurred in her prosthetic body. From this, most of her memories formed while merged with the Rough Beast; the non-DNA portion of the Technium. As a Russian Doll parable, each version of M. Kusanagi supersedes the last, with less ghost and more shell with each transformation. In a final release from flesh, the Major performs the social conquest of the net.
When she comes back from total integration with the network after her prosthetic and her ghost are destroyed, she can only pilot a simple, small child's prosthetic body which is similar to the one she was imprisoned in as a girl. But at this point she has the experience of making the transition from one incarnation of a impermanent ghost plus shell into another impermanent shell but without a DNA ghost at all.
Are both selves, although temporarily in both cases, the Major or something evolved from her natural flesh? The question itself is a category error -- a logical chimera -- and a question we should unask per Hofstadter. Were my first memories and experiences mine or did these belong to an earlier and unrecognizable, impermanent me?
An agent capable of making quantum observations -- of parsing a narrative 'now' for a consistent 'me' -- constitutes the best reckoning of existence and being we have. The small collection of corpuscles holding the Major's ghost was not what the necessary construction requires. Personal identity is owned by the data comprising experience gained and integrated into a moving window of the present over an interval of time. If all that is left of me is a video of me then that is the lasting incarnation of me.
It is a shock to the system to find out that our flesh falls away and something emerges -- a new brand of the impermanent me capable of integrating new experience into the crucible of old experience no matter how the old experience is represented.
In May 2007 I transitioned from Kirk 2.0 to Kirk 3.0 which took five years until full integration. My journey forms much of the material for this rebirth thread. It was hard work but inevitably prepares for my EM integration, my 100th birthday present to my (impermanent) self.
A necessary component of the transition is the continuous practice of Buddhism's Four Noble Truths.
1. Life is suffering (dhukka; that which we cannot bear)
2. Suffering has causal rising in attachment (to an impermanent self)
3. There is a path that leads to the end of suffering (8 fold path)
4. Nirvanna, the mind like fire unbound, is a bodily state superceding attachment and suffering.
Buddism is practice not belief and in several cases Batou references a deep commitment to the Dharma (knowledge and wisdom).
When she comes back from total integration with the network after her prosthetic and her ghost are destroyed, she can only pilot a simple, small child's prosthetic body which is similar to the one she was imprisoned in as a girl. But at this point she has the experience of making the transition from one incarnation of a impermanent ghost plus shell into another impermanent shell but without a DNA ghost at all.
Are both selves, although temporarily in both cases, the Major or something evolved from her natural flesh? The question itself is a category error -- a logical chimera -- and a question we should unask per Hofstadter. Were my first memories and experiences mine or did these belong to an earlier and unrecognizable, impermanent me?
An agent capable of making quantum observations -- of parsing a narrative 'now' for a consistent 'me' -- constitutes the best reckoning of existence and being we have. The small collection of corpuscles holding the Major's ghost was not what the necessary construction requires. Personal identity is owned by the data comprising experience gained and integrated into a moving window of the present over an interval of time. If all that is left of me is a video of me then that is the lasting incarnation of me.
It is a shock to the system to find out that our flesh falls away and something emerges -- a new brand of the impermanent me capable of integrating new experience into the crucible of old experience no matter how the old experience is represented.
In May 2007 I transitioned from Kirk 2.0 to Kirk 3.0 which took five years until full integration. My journey forms much of the material for this rebirth thread. It was hard work but inevitably prepares for my EM integration, my 100th birthday present to my (impermanent) self.
A necessary component of the transition is the continuous practice of Buddhism's Four Noble Truths.
1. Life is suffering (dhukka; that which we cannot bear)
2. Suffering has causal rising in attachment (to an impermanent self)
3. There is a path that leads to the end of suffering (8 fold path)
4. Nirvanna, the mind like fire unbound, is a bodily state superceding attachment and suffering.
Buddism is practice not belief and in several cases Batou references a deep commitment to the Dharma (knowledge and wisdom).
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