Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

This all came together for me while I was mowing the yard. The various pieces have been in play for some time.

Grass will teach you some interesting lessons. I mowed yards as an adolescent and I learned the grass business.. If you look at something long enough you get some awesome pattern matching capability. As my brain formed during adolescence, I stared at grass. Dry grass. Wet grass. Tall grass. Thick grass. I stared at prospects faces. Happy faces. Sad faces. Blank faces. Broken faces.

My pitch was a work of careful craft. The craft was constant tinkering, starting with the repeated bad pitch that you rehearsed in the bathroom window. A rehearsed pitch said amateur and loser. You were a punk. You got punked once a week just in case you forgot. The guy that went to the store and only had $5 after he gassed up. Always a story that ended up the same - light payroll.

I found that talking louder got you more jobs regardless of what you said. Volume denoted confidence in the vast majority of the prospects. I could say that I was a natural born salesman, the son of a salesman. In addition to genes, my father taught me that you should always say exactly what you were interrupting them about in the first sentence.

This is a story with several layers. Trivial layers and sublime layers. Like scaffolding filling up the inside of a box of vast dimensions. The work is already underway here but most of the work so far is a sketch or is very specific and concentrated in a far corner. Inside the box is a way to make better and better guesses about what happens. next.

There are three parts:
The first is a novel.
The second is a text book.
The chapters of this are just lessons at random
The third is commentary on the first two.

I will just switch back and forth with headings and will bookmark liberally.

The novel is The Gingerbread Man: A Day in the Life of a Natural Man. It is my fond ish wish that I attribute everything that I use. If any of this novel combination of existing ideas crosses the path of a copyrighted work, I will rectify swiftly. If you get this at all you will completely understand the model I am using. I am building on the shoulder of giants and that is my strength. I raise my status instantly when I invoke an argument from authority. Just mentioning Isaac Newton like you intended to whip out a slide rule and get the your next statement endorsed by Sir Isaac's himself.

The text is a market options exploration of design space. I think about markets for products so talking about models drawn from marketing has an appeal that many serious people share. But my natural approach to markets is just beginning to appear as a novel business technique. This process is whatever the opposite of new is. Older than we are unless we are very inclusive in considering our germ-line. Evolutionary processes through generate and test algorithms is not like a market or like our mind's construction comes from nature.

You have the means inside your skull right now but you are standing in your own way. Your memes are in charge of your genes. The leash is too tight. Way too tight.

We can subsume the majority of our daily life's to low level drone routines and devote almost all of our waking moments to play. If you are not asleep or unconscious, you are playing. You are playing life. Life never stops and we pray that life does not stop. If life stopped, the large processes that created it may start life up again or it might not. But we would not be around to view the remains.

The last egg is SCIFI and it goes to another place. This is going to be a movie someday and that goes into another place.
I tested various marketing and sales strategies. The losing pitch NEVER got repeated again. The winners were noted and moved up in the queue. Not getting punked was a serious occupation. Status was my first experiment. I was well read and well spoken so I would just take a look around and smile until I had eye contact. That was important through a screen door in July. You had to be heard over a dog or a kid. You had to get their attention by almost hollering your message. The message was a version of this always; I am mowing lawns and I will produce good results for $10. There was nothing more to add to this message. I made some people pay attention just because I stopped talking.

Dry grass, wet grass, plump and perfect St. Augustine, fragrant clover and the evil patch that left woody stobs that would pierce a flip-flop from Winn's 5 and Dime by noon tomorrow when the sun dried the shaft into a spear. I knew how to make a yard look like they wished it would look when they mowed it - like it was most important patch of yard on earth.

As my dad listened to Dale Carnegie tapes and read his books, he absorbed a personality and became Dale Carnegie. I can point to any number of texts which will support this and I will do just that in this space.

So that is now my new signature the happens. next. was just a typo but then I read it and adopted the random variation. This random keystroke caused some variation in real time that got adapted to another use. That other use being - it. makes. a. different. kind. of. grammar.

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