Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Stand Alone Complex 1.0

The astrologer I keep on retainer informs me that the blog demands a proper name. Ghost in the Shell rocks so now this is section 9.

I remonstrate for 'fail fast' approach to new platforms planted in the garden of old platforms. An accelerated life cycle works as a test bed for engaged action. Currently, fiefdoms of stakeholders resist starting because they are holding back on resources to negotiate a better deal. Plus, by holding back they can avoid the risky behavior of having a new idea. New ideas in isolation are difficult and anxiety producing. New ideas seem to commit me to uncertainty as a plan of action.

The idea is collective action without central authority until the first fail in a customer socket.

Roadmap Generation

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