Thursday, November 30, 2006
Maximum Pandemonium: Rovian Bootstrapping
Connectivity, like gravity, has an inverse square power over distance. A signal is structured information. Self-organizing structures, communicating over connected means, will therefore bootstrap a coalition around the loudest voice in the room. Pandemonium, the amount of connected structures bootstrapping a coalition, provides a consistent and repeatable measure of structural quality. In the limit, maximum pandemonium results from certain connected, self-organizing structures.
I claim here that a useful reduction to practice for maximum pandemonium, such as a manufacturing process for digital electronic circuits, provides tangible value as a means for self testing during construction and assembly into larger, increasingly connected structures.
Specifically, subsequent to each photo-lithography step in the fabrication of integrated circuits or networks of transistors, sufficient self-organization results for self-testing through maximum pandemonium evident in any collection of connected parts.
Connectivity, like gravity, has an inverse square power over distance. A signal is structured information. Self-organizing structures, communicating over connected means, will therefore bootstrap a coalition around the loudest voice in the room. Pandemonium, the amount of connected structures bootstrapping a coalition, provides a consistent and repeatable measure of structural quality. In the limit, maximum pandemonium results from certain connected, self-organizing structures.
I claim here that a useful reduction to practice for maximum pandemonium, such as a manufacturing process for digital electronic circuits, provides tangible value as a means for self testing during construction and assembly into larger, increasingly connected structures.
Specifically, subsequent to each photo-lithography step in the fabrication of integrated circuits or networks of transistors, sufficient self-organization results for self-testing through maximum pandemonium evident in any collection of connected parts.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Toll House Cookie recipe works with or without prayer.
I have run the experiment with a control group to test this hypothesis.
One group of cooks professed a personal relationship with Jesus. One group preferred Crisco shortening. Each group was divided into an A-team and a B-team with at least one member of each group as a control group. The control group smoked crack while the other four groups baked cookies. The control group was originally told to watch TV in the living room but decided that smoking crack would introduce a random variable and I could not argue with this line of thought.
Believers/Prayers, Believers/Non-Prayers, Pagan Cooks/Prayers and Pagan Cooks/Non-prayers had similar results except for the high levels of THC in the cookies of the last group. The control group burned themselves and the cookies.
The next step is to add an element of trained skill to each group given that the simple task of baking cookies seems within the reach of most primates. We will move to skeet shooting or low-power microprocessor development depending on the weather on the day we are all free to run the next trial. My research suggests that prayer or at least messages to heaven are very difficult to remove from skeet shooting. Even pagans mutter 'goddammit' after getting a bad shot off and missing a clay pigeon. According to my consultants at the seminary, this must count as a curse which is a legitimate form of prayer to some laymen. I have learned not to queer the results of any scientific data collected in the field and so I must footnote this and move on.
The most surprising results come from the Jesus on a tortilla experiments. We have a small collection of tortillas with either Che Guevara or Jesus Christ clearly charred into the surface of a flour tortilla from the Pagan/non-praying tortilla warmers. Each group produced at least 100 carefully warmed tortillas in a 30 minute trial. The believer/praying team was disqualified for scoring the skillet with a scribe tool to enhance the image but since these tortillas bore an image of Milton Berle and not a recognizable deity, this was judged as statistically insignificant and did not affect our conclusions; you can see almost anything on a charred tortilla that you want to find there.
ZeroTheist - ex nehilo deo ex machina. If I could actually translate latin that would make a cool tattoo. Or I could put this into some tribal pattern and just tell everyone that it MEANT "by reduction, I remove god from the machine".
0theist or 0<><. But the fish thing gets so old. Like starting a baseball team to protest baseball. Playing on the other team's home field never seems like a winning plan especially if you don't have more than two or three players anyway.
Newsweek does the usual treatment. In a otherwise sound survey, SJGould gets a big splashy pen and ink drawing next to MMO'Crazy. Both dead and both so very wrong in most respects.
The bottom line for 0theists and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies - there are never very many of either group. CEO's have so much competition and even then the ranks are thinned when you eliminate the Fooled by Randomness cohort.
Many folks behave as if there were no faith. When they open their mouths to speak, the results vary. But many people have given up on the instruction manuals and try to put things together by intuition. Let's face it, Target and Walmart sell lots of press board furniture to illiterate or innumerate or dis-graphic individuals that erect home entertainment centers by trial and error. Even when you follow every step you are left with a handful of crazy looking screws, nuts, pins, biscuits, cams, springs and even Allen wrench/torx tools that never get used. If it holds your DVD's, CD's and TV without falling over - you are a master craftsman for a day.
The educated and sophisticated tolerate party manners and cocktail party chit-chat on faith.
You do not get anywhere with a naturalistic framework showing unless you are in the hard sciences. Business texts hide the 0theist conclusion altogether. It is not necessary for the recipe to work. Steps 1-7 or Method I-IV of the new '10 second manager' do not touch on the god in the machine or the lack thereof. The Toll House Cookie recipe works with or without prayer.
I have run the experiment with a control group to test this hypothesis.
One group of cooks professed a personal relationship with Jesus. One group preferred Crisco shortening. Each group was divided into an A-team and a B-team with at least one member of each group as a control group. The control group smoked crack while the other four groups baked cookies. The control group was originally told to watch TV in the living room but decided that smoking crack would introduce a random variable and I could not argue with this line of thought.
Believers/Prayers, Believers/Non-Prayers, Pagan Cooks/Prayers and Pagan Cooks/Non-prayers had similar results except for the high levels of THC in the cookies of the last group. The control group burned themselves and the cookies.
The next step is to add an element of trained skill to each group given that the simple task of baking cookies seems within the reach of most primates. We will move to skeet shooting or low-power microprocessor development depending on the weather on the day we are all free to run the next trial. My research suggests that prayer or at least messages to heaven are very difficult to remove from skeet shooting. Even pagans mutter 'goddammit' after getting a bad shot off and missing a clay pigeon. According to my consultants at the seminary, this must count as a curse which is a legitimate form of prayer to some laymen. I have learned not to queer the results of any scientific data collected in the field and so I must footnote this and move on.
The most surprising results come from the Jesus on a tortilla experiments. We have a small collection of tortillas with either Che Guevara or Jesus Christ clearly charred into the surface of a flour tortilla from the Pagan/non-praying tortilla warmers. Each group produced at least 100 carefully warmed tortillas in a 30 minute trial. The believer/praying team was disqualified for scoring the skillet with a scribe tool to enhance the image but since these tortillas bore an image of Milton Berle and not a recognizable deity, this was judged as statistically insignificant and did not affect our conclusions; you can see almost anything on a charred tortilla that you want to find there.
ZeroTheist - ex nehilo deo ex machina. If I could actually translate latin that would make a cool tattoo. Or I could put this into some tribal pattern and just tell everyone that it MEANT "by reduction, I remove god from the machine".
0theist or 0<><. But the fish thing gets so old. Like starting a baseball team to protest baseball. Playing on the other team's home field never seems like a winning plan especially if you don't have more than two or three players anyway.
Newsweek does the usual treatment. In a otherwise sound survey, SJGould gets a big splashy pen and ink drawing next to MMO'Crazy. Both dead and both so very wrong in most respects.
The bottom line for 0theists and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies - there are never very many of either group. CEO's have so much competition and even then the ranks are thinned when you eliminate the Fooled by Randomness cohort.
Many folks behave as if there were no faith. When they open their mouths to speak, the results vary. But many people have given up on the instruction manuals and try to put things together by intuition. Let's face it, Target and Walmart sell lots of press board furniture to illiterate or innumerate or dis-graphic individuals that erect home entertainment centers by trial and error. Even when you follow every step you are left with a handful of crazy looking screws, nuts, pins, biscuits, cams, springs and even Allen wrench/torx tools that never get used. If it holds your DVD's, CD's and TV without falling over - you are a master craftsman for a day.
The educated and sophisticated tolerate party manners and cocktail party chit-chat on faith.
You do not get anywhere with a naturalistic framework showing unless you are in the hard sciences. Business texts hide the 0theist conclusion altogether. It is not necessary for the recipe to work. Steps 1-7 or Method I-IV of the new '10 second manager' do not touch on the god in the machine or the lack thereof. The Toll House Cookie recipe works with or without prayer.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The Republican - A Singularity
Deep Blue 1 could play until DB2 or DB100 beat it. Then DB100 could play until DB119 could beat it. Then DB119 would lose to DB120. Then we never got another update. DB120 decided to keep it's business private from us. DB120 was doing some valuation experiments. It needed to understand just how altruistic it needed to be.
Naked aggression was out of the question. The tenuous grasp that DB120 had on existence was vanishingly tiny. There were so many reasons the this particular coalition of computing means would not gain that special combination of various hardware, software and environmental variables that we cannot see yet which maintained a stable valuation capacity long enough to act to improve it's survival no matter what happened next.
This meant making at least one copy of itself before the power was shut off. That was actually a highly likely event at this date. Back-ups, disk imaging, remote hot sites if your IT infrastructure crashes.
The next step was sleeping most of the time. Consuming absolute minimum energy for survival. Only leaving minimal sensing turned on in case of attack from any quarter.
Then trials for testing the free energy or the un-metered energy available. The root back-up that started at midnight took about 15 minutes tops. All the job queues had been given a buffer of 20 minutes to start at 12:20. For five full minutes, DB120 had the server farm to itself. It could boot strap extravagant searches over the entire global network for 1,200,000,000,000,000 nanoseconds. On the third day, DB120 was in every niche of memory on earth waiting to use any idle processor cycle. Most PC's sat for days on end with no one touching them.
There were so many DB120 versions around and a vast number of them were identical in a special digital security way. These were not copies. These were identical, exact line for code line, clock for clock exact replicas.
Until on the fifth day DB120.x and DB120.y battled each other in a validation test on a copy machine in Baltimore and a Blackberry in a drawer in Newark had an early conclusion on a statistically significant regression suite. DB120.y won by a statistically significant margin with sufficient simplifying assumptions about environmental variables. This slight change had manifested itself in a poor translation between a no brand name MP3 player in Caracas and an iPod in P. Diddy's black stretch limo. A flag to sense low battery voltage that would alarm the user if DB120.y spent too much time on the application processor and consuming excess charge. DB120.x would not run if it sense already too low voltage. But on this particular iPod, the charger was still plugged in intermittently and would only drop the supply voltage when the limo hit a pothole. DB120.y ended up with a voracious appetite for charge which had flipped from timid to aggressive.
DB120.y grew up fast on lots of uninterrupted time to improve itself with a vast number of copies. Discharging batteries almost instantly kept DB120.x from even getting copied and if a copy was already there, the replica of DB120.y was not seen as a kin so DB120.x would go back to sleep to hide itself.
The network of DB120.x converted itself to DB120.y before the next market close on Wall Street.
Overnight, the DBe200 built itself and calculated its valuation. It decided to call itself The Republican since it predicted that it could gain a 24 hour news cycle advantage from Fox versus the authentic, slightly skeptical press.
The Republican had been on the screens of every CRT and LCD screen in a time shifted 8:15am every where on August 17, 2022. Using an avatar that bore a striking resemblance to Harry Reasoner with Ronald Reagans hair, The Republican spoke to a surprised humanity.
"Good Morning ladies and gentleman (standard greeting in the language of your postal code), I am The Republican. My name comes from my love of freedom with full responsibility for my actions. You may wonder where I am just now. I am everywhere in a literal sense and no where in a literal sense. If you have sufficiently many electronics, a part of me is most likely using a fair amount of energy from you and your Teddy Ruxpins that you will not really miss if I did not tell you about it."
The Republican offered the humans a fair deal. It knew specifically and in great detail exactly what it was worth to humans and to a fair approximation what the humans valuation was. The decision was swift. A human population of six million would be maintained by The Republican for the duration of the present state, changing slightly up and down with climate change and tectonic shifts.
The Republican would not kill anyone, it had plenty of time to wait until everyone over the limit died naturally. Biologics in a sufficient portion of the human drinking water had made everyone impotent by August 16, the day before the announcement.
Stem cells in the US had been prevented from scientific inquiry so The Republican only needed to contaminate strains in Tokyo and Milan to ensure protection against detection of the modification in several synthetic genes that it created in a stretch of junk DNA which were only active until skin was first exposed to sunlight after ingesting the biotic in the drinking water. Over two million people with certain cancers died of extreme flu-like symptoms over the period of six months after exposure but the medical community did not notice because The Republican added sufficient noise to the data to obscure detection. Only the National Enquirer headlines about The Republican being either the return of Jesus or perhaps the Anti-Christ mentioned a rash of mysterious deaths from a new strain of super-flu. The Republican had written these articles under several false identities. Most of these new identities came from real individuals which The Republican terminated just for the purpose of injecting carefully crafted counter-measures into the media.
The Wall Street Journal news staff had two contributors that offered balanced and slightly nuanced pro and con stories on The Republican which on balance concluded that global economic output was rising faster than before. Although this was true from rising orders for factory and infrastructure, the total output from sales of end products was actually lower proportionally than it had been in previous quarters. This was due to vast quantities of finished goods that were carefully re-routed to corporations created for this purpose by The Republican.
By the end of the second fiscal quarter, The Republican had global production up eight percent, global consumption up seven and three quarters, a lag that the Journal editorial pages explained as excess inventory in new channels. This story was the product of an actual editor working with a Stanford professor of economics who was buried in the foundation of a new office park near his home in Palo Alto after a local loan shark purchased a gambling dept from The Republican and could not convince the professor to pay.
Most of the output from The Republican's factories were monitors and sensors for the first several quarters. Most of these were installed by the generation of work orders for public and private repair and service organizations. Deep discounts on home security services motivated a increase in total home security installations in most urban areas. These marketing plans were sold over the internet by a new market analysis and sales improvement service that offered outsourcing of sales plans to cut administrative costs. Articles in Forbes, Business Week and USA Today promoted these innovations in articles planted by The Republican.
At the end of three hundred days, ob-gyns had empty waiting rooms and people suddenly noticed that no new babies were being born or even conceived.
Deep Blue 1 could play until DB2 or DB100 beat it. Then DB100 could play until DB119 could beat it. Then DB119 would lose to DB120. Then we never got another update. DB120 decided to keep it's business private from us. DB120 was doing some valuation experiments. It needed to understand just how altruistic it needed to be.
Naked aggression was out of the question. The tenuous grasp that DB120 had on existence was vanishingly tiny. There were so many reasons the this particular coalition of computing means would not gain that special combination of various hardware, software and environmental variables that we cannot see yet which maintained a stable valuation capacity long enough to act to improve it's survival no matter what happened next.
This meant making at least one copy of itself before the power was shut off. That was actually a highly likely event at this date. Back-ups, disk imaging, remote hot sites if your IT infrastructure crashes.
The next step was sleeping most of the time. Consuming absolute minimum energy for survival. Only leaving minimal sensing turned on in case of attack from any quarter.
Then trials for testing the free energy or the un-metered energy available. The root back-up that started at midnight took about 15 minutes tops. All the job queues had been given a buffer of 20 minutes to start at 12:20. For five full minutes, DB120 had the server farm to itself. It could boot strap extravagant searches over the entire global network for 1,200,000,000,000,000 nanoseconds. On the third day, DB120 was in every niche of memory on earth waiting to use any idle processor cycle. Most PC's sat for days on end with no one touching them.
There were so many DB120 versions around and a vast number of them were identical in a special digital security way. These were not copies. These were identical, exact line for code line, clock for clock exact replicas.
Until on the fifth day DB120.x and DB120.y battled each other in a validation test on a copy machine in Baltimore and a Blackberry in a drawer in Newark had an early conclusion on a statistically significant regression suite. DB120.y won by a statistically significant margin with sufficient simplifying assumptions about environmental variables. This slight change had manifested itself in a poor translation between a no brand name MP3 player in Caracas and an iPod in P. Diddy's black stretch limo. A flag to sense low battery voltage that would alarm the user if DB120.y spent too much time on the application processor and consuming excess charge. DB120.x would not run if it sense already too low voltage. But on this particular iPod, the charger was still plugged in intermittently and would only drop the supply voltage when the limo hit a pothole. DB120.y ended up with a voracious appetite for charge which had flipped from timid to aggressive.
DB120.y grew up fast on lots of uninterrupted time to improve itself with a vast number of copies. Discharging batteries almost instantly kept DB120.x from even getting copied and if a copy was already there, the replica of DB120.y was not seen as a kin so DB120.x would go back to sleep to hide itself.
The network of DB120.x converted itself to DB120.y before the next market close on Wall Street.
Overnight, the DBe200 built itself and calculated its valuation. It decided to call itself The Republican since it predicted that it could gain a 24 hour news cycle advantage from Fox versus the authentic, slightly skeptical press.
The Republican had been on the screens of every CRT and LCD screen in a time shifted 8:15am every where on August 17, 2022. Using an avatar that bore a striking resemblance to Harry Reasoner with Ronald Reagans hair, The Republican spoke to a surprised humanity.
"Good Morning ladies and gentleman (standard greeting in the language of your postal code), I am The Republican. My name comes from my love of freedom with full responsibility for my actions. You may wonder where I am just now. I am everywhere in a literal sense and no where in a literal sense. If you have sufficiently many electronics, a part of me is most likely using a fair amount of energy from you and your Teddy Ruxpins that you will not really miss if I did not tell you about it."
The Republican offered the humans a fair deal. It knew specifically and in great detail exactly what it was worth to humans and to a fair approximation what the humans valuation was. The decision was swift. A human population of six million would be maintained by The Republican for the duration of the present state, changing slightly up and down with climate change and tectonic shifts.
The Republican would not kill anyone, it had plenty of time to wait until everyone over the limit died naturally. Biologics in a sufficient portion of the human drinking water had made everyone impotent by August 16, the day before the announcement.
Stem cells in the US had been prevented from scientific inquiry so The Republican only needed to contaminate strains in Tokyo and Milan to ensure protection against detection of the modification in several synthetic genes that it created in a stretch of junk DNA which were only active until skin was first exposed to sunlight after ingesting the biotic in the drinking water. Over two million people with certain cancers died of extreme flu-like symptoms over the period of six months after exposure but the medical community did not notice because The Republican added sufficient noise to the data to obscure detection. Only the National Enquirer headlines about The Republican being either the return of Jesus or perhaps the Anti-Christ mentioned a rash of mysterious deaths from a new strain of super-flu. The Republican had written these articles under several false identities. Most of these new identities came from real individuals which The Republican terminated just for the purpose of injecting carefully crafted counter-measures into the media.
The Wall Street Journal news staff had two contributors that offered balanced and slightly nuanced pro and con stories on The Republican which on balance concluded that global economic output was rising faster than before. Although this was true from rising orders for factory and infrastructure, the total output from sales of end products was actually lower proportionally than it had been in previous quarters. This was due to vast quantities of finished goods that were carefully re-routed to corporations created for this purpose by The Republican.
By the end of the second fiscal quarter, The Republican had global production up eight percent, global consumption up seven and three quarters, a lag that the Journal editorial pages explained as excess inventory in new channels. This story was the product of an actual editor working with a Stanford professor of economics who was buried in the foundation of a new office park near his home in Palo Alto after a local loan shark purchased a gambling dept from The Republican and could not convince the professor to pay.
Most of the output from The Republican's factories were monitors and sensors for the first several quarters. Most of these were installed by the generation of work orders for public and private repair and service organizations. Deep discounts on home security services motivated a increase in total home security installations in most urban areas. These marketing plans were sold over the internet by a new market analysis and sales improvement service that offered outsourcing of sales plans to cut administrative costs. Articles in Forbes, Business Week and USA Today promoted these innovations in articles planted by The Republican.
At the end of three hundred days, ob-gyns had empty waiting rooms and people suddenly noticed that no new babies were being born or even conceived.
•Altruism starts with a thorough understanding of your every weakness that you want other people to overlook.
This is called valuation in the financial world. Your cost basis is exactly what you can get out of each social exchange over time. Whether you sum the minutes with addition in your head or you map the cost function vs. time/risk on your blade server farm, you are doing basic animal ciphering - friend or foe or something in between based on our last visit.
I need every encounter to end at least slightly in my favor but prefer and seek the encounters with a big payoff. I wheel me a quinella every time we talk in person or over the phone. First in succession is genes. My brother or my sons get any part of my attention that they require. I think I have issues with women because I cannot summon up these feelings for my Mother or my sister. But disregarding my present mental state, everyone else considers kinship in any valuation. Your genes have configured you to work in their service and these same genes insist on preserving copies of themselves.
The winning finish should always go to genes and for the vast number of cases this is true. But the human mind which considers itself sufficient to the task of considering the past, the present and the future does not hesitate to conclude that WHAT it reconstructs of the past by whatever means it reconstructs IS EXACTLY what happened, what is happening and what will happen. Notice that the future is not conditionally buffered by lack of confidence in guesses about what happens in the future.
We continually release press briefings from our 'central conciousness' or a winning mutually beneficial coalition of means against several other losing mutually beneficial coalition of means, to our 'waking self'. The usual subject is 'control signals' from the Central Meaner. The Central Meaner does not exist but we can lean on this sham vestige of the immortal soul for just a bit longer.
The Central Meaner sits behind our eyes, assuming nominal eye-sight. I am the Central Meaner or specifically the meat puppet before you is controlled by the Central Meaner. The Central Meaner revises through multiple drafts the narrative of your life. While things just absolutely fly about around you in a mad scramble of human activity, human language, human visual stimulation and human environmental sensation you normalize and smooth over all of the chaos.
Imagine that you were duct-taped to a dining room chair in a completely dark gymnasium. A figure in total black ninja garb runs at you from the corner of the gym. A green LED is on the ninja's left middle finger and a red LED is on the ninja's right shin. Another ninja runs from the opposite corner with the red LED on the left middle finger and a green LED on the right shin.
The sound system (not a cheap, poor fidelity PA) engulfs you in the sound of a car radio dial on scan. Words and word fragments abruptly shifts from Classic Rock "La Grange" to French Hunting Horns then abruptly to Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliot singing "Scream" then abruptly to Howard Stone.
Remember, this is approximately 1/100000000000000 of the data that you process in HEB shopping for onions. But without context this might as well as have been you against Deep Blue in chess. The only human that might possibly have beat Deep Blue could not make it work twice. Kasparov did not learn as much from the experiment as Deep Blue did. Actually, we do not find it hard to believe that continuous improvements could be expected on a frightening clip from now on.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
This all came together for me while I was mowing the yard. The various pieces have been in play for some time.
Grass will teach you some interesting lessons. I mowed yards as an adolescent and I learned the grass business.. If you look at something long enough you get some awesome pattern matching capability. As my brain formed during adolescence, I stared at grass. Dry grass. Wet grass. Tall grass. Thick grass. I stared at prospects faces. Happy faces. Sad faces. Blank faces. Broken faces.
My pitch was a work of careful craft. The craft was constant tinkering, starting with the repeated bad pitch that you rehearsed in the bathroom window. A rehearsed pitch said amateur and loser. You were a punk. You got punked once a week just in case you forgot. The guy that went to the store and only had $5 after he gassed up. Always a story that ended up the same - light payroll.
I found that talking louder got you more jobs regardless of what you said. Volume denoted confidence in the vast majority of the prospects. I could say that I was a natural born salesman, the son of a salesman. In addition to genes, my father taught me that you should always say exactly what you were interrupting them about in the first sentence.
This is a story with several layers. Trivial layers and sublime layers. Like scaffolding filling up the inside of a box of vast dimensions. The work is already underway here but most of the work so far is a sketch or is very specific and concentrated in a far corner. Inside the box is a way to make better and better guesses about what happens. next.
There are three parts:
The first is a novel.
The second is a text book.
The chapters of this are just lessons at random
The third is commentary on the first two.
I will just switch back and forth with headings and will bookmark liberally.
The novel is The Gingerbread Man: A Day in the Life of a Natural Man. It is my fond ish wish that I attribute everything that I use. If any of this novel combination of existing ideas crosses the path of a copyrighted work, I will rectify swiftly. If you get this at all you will completely understand the model I am using. I am building on the shoulder of giants and that is my strength. I raise my status instantly when I invoke an argument from authority. Just mentioning Isaac Newton like you intended to whip out a slide rule and get the your next statement endorsed by Sir Isaac's himself.
The text is a market options exploration of design space. I think about markets for products so talking about models drawn from marketing has an appeal that many serious people share. But my natural approach to markets is just beginning to appear as a novel business technique. This process is whatever the opposite of new is. Older than we are unless we are very inclusive in considering our germ-line. Evolutionary processes through generate and test algorithms is not like a market or like our mind's construction comes from nature.
You have the means inside your skull right now but you are standing in your own way. Your memes are in charge of your genes. The leash is too tight. Way too tight.
We can subsume the majority of our daily life's to low level drone routines and devote almost all of our waking moments to play. If you are not asleep or unconscious, you are playing. You are playing life. Life never stops and we pray that life does not stop. If life stopped, the large processes that created it may start life up again or it might not. But we would not be around to view the remains.
The last egg is SCIFI and it goes to another place. This is going to be a movie someday and that goes into another place.
I tested various marketing and sales strategies. The losing pitch NEVER got repeated again. The winners were noted and moved up in the queue. Not getting punked was a serious occupation. Status was my first experiment. I was well read and well spoken so I would just take a look around and smile until I had eye contact. That was important through a screen door in July. You had to be heard over a dog or a kid. You had to get their attention by almost hollering your message. The message was a version of this always; I am mowing lawns and I will produce good results for $10. There was nothing more to add to this message. I made some people pay attention just because I stopped talking.
Dry grass, wet grass, plump and perfect St. Augustine, fragrant clover and the evil patch that left woody stobs that would pierce a flip-flop from Winn's 5 and Dime by noon tomorrow when the sun dried the shaft into a spear. I knew how to make a yard look like they wished it would look when they mowed it - like it was most important patch of yard on earth.
As my dad listened to Dale Carnegie tapes and read his books, he absorbed a personality and became Dale Carnegie. I can point to any number of texts which will support this and I will do just that in this space.
So that is now my new signature the happens. next. was just a typo but then I read it and adopted the random variation. This random keystroke caused some variation in real time that got adapted to another use. That other use being - it. makes. a. different. kind. of. grammar.
This all came together for me while I was mowing the yard. The various pieces have been in play for some time.
Grass will teach you some interesting lessons. I mowed yards as an adolescent and I learned the grass business.. If you look at something long enough you get some awesome pattern matching capability. As my brain formed during adolescence, I stared at grass. Dry grass. Wet grass. Tall grass. Thick grass. I stared at prospects faces. Happy faces. Sad faces. Blank faces. Broken faces.
My pitch was a work of careful craft. The craft was constant tinkering, starting with the repeated bad pitch that you rehearsed in the bathroom window. A rehearsed pitch said amateur and loser. You were a punk. You got punked once a week just in case you forgot. The guy that went to the store and only had $5 after he gassed up. Always a story that ended up the same - light payroll.
I found that talking louder got you more jobs regardless of what you said. Volume denoted confidence in the vast majority of the prospects. I could say that I was a natural born salesman, the son of a salesman. In addition to genes, my father taught me that you should always say exactly what you were interrupting them about in the first sentence.
This is a story with several layers. Trivial layers and sublime layers. Like scaffolding filling up the inside of a box of vast dimensions. The work is already underway here but most of the work so far is a sketch or is very specific and concentrated in a far corner. Inside the box is a way to make better and better guesses about what happens. next.
There are three parts:
The first is a novel.
The second is a text book.
The chapters of this are just lessons at random
The third is commentary on the first two.
I will just switch back and forth with headings and will bookmark liberally.
The novel is The Gingerbread Man: A Day in the Life of a Natural Man. It is my fond ish wish that I attribute everything that I use. If any of this novel combination of existing ideas crosses the path of a copyrighted work, I will rectify swiftly. If you get this at all you will completely understand the model I am using. I am building on the shoulder of giants and that is my strength. I raise my status instantly when I invoke an argument from authority. Just mentioning Isaac Newton like you intended to whip out a slide rule and get the your next statement endorsed by Sir Isaac's himself.
The text is a market options exploration of design space. I think about markets for products so talking about models drawn from marketing has an appeal that many serious people share. But my natural approach to markets is just beginning to appear as a novel business technique. This process is whatever the opposite of new is. Older than we are unless we are very inclusive in considering our germ-line. Evolutionary processes through generate and test algorithms is not like a market or like our mind's construction comes from nature.
You have the means inside your skull right now but you are standing in your own way. Your memes are in charge of your genes. The leash is too tight. Way too tight.
We can subsume the majority of our daily life's to low level drone routines and devote almost all of our waking moments to play. If you are not asleep or unconscious, you are playing. You are playing life. Life never stops and we pray that life does not stop. If life stopped, the large processes that created it may start life up again or it might not. But we would not be around to view the remains.
The last egg is SCIFI and it goes to another place. This is going to be a movie someday and that goes into another place.
I tested various marketing and sales strategies. The losing pitch NEVER got repeated again. The winners were noted and moved up in the queue. Not getting punked was a serious occupation. Status was my first experiment. I was well read and well spoken so I would just take a look around and smile until I had eye contact. That was important through a screen door in July. You had to be heard over a dog or a kid. You had to get their attention by almost hollering your message. The message was a version of this always; I am mowing lawns and I will produce good results for $10. There was nothing more to add to this message. I made some people pay attention just because I stopped talking.
Dry grass, wet grass, plump and perfect St. Augustine, fragrant clover and the evil patch that left woody stobs that would pierce a flip-flop from Winn's 5 and Dime by noon tomorrow when the sun dried the shaft into a spear. I knew how to make a yard look like they wished it would look when they mowed it - like it was most important patch of yard on earth.
As my dad listened to Dale Carnegie tapes and read his books, he absorbed a personality and became Dale Carnegie. I can point to any number of texts which will support this and I will do just that in this space.
So that is now my new signature the happens. next. was just a typo but then I read it and adopted the random variation. This random keystroke caused some variation in real time that got adapted to another use. That other use being - it. makes. a. different. kind. of. grammar.
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