Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Maximum Pandemonium: Rovian Bootstrapping

Connectivity, like gravity, has an inverse square power over distance. A signal is structured information. Self-organizing structures, communicating over connected means, will therefore bootstrap a coalition around the loudest voice in the room. Pandemonium, the amount of connected structures bootstrapping a coalition, provides a consistent and repeatable measure of structural quality. In the limit, maximum pandemonium results from certain connected, self-organizing structures.

I claim here that a useful reduction to practice for maximum pandemonium, such as a manufacturing process for digital electronic circuits, provides tangible value as a means for self testing during construction and assembly into larger, increasingly connected structures.

Specifically, subsequent to each photo-lithography step in the fabrication of integrated circuits or networks of transistors, sufficient self-organization results for self-testing through maximum pandemonium evident in any collection of connected parts.

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