Friday, April 29, 2011
Dixie's Lost Causes
The parallels between the second Civil War that created Nixon's GOP and the third civil war that put a black man in the white house and Dixie's minions into the noosphere strike me funny. The less strident Republicans we be forced to take the RINO exit. In chaos theory, large changes come from small and almost imperceptible changes in initial conditions. Maybe it will be evolution in the public schools. Dixie likes a fight it can never win.
The first civil war was fought over states rights, the second over civil rights and the third over the Presidency of an indentured servant in black face. This will fracture the GOP - it most wants the divorce - into Dixie mania. RINO's will find a party switch pleasant and comfortable if the experience in Texas proves. I'm looking at you Rick Perry. The virtuous RINO's will renounce violence then switch parties when the fourth civil war starts at Obama's second inauguration.
The North and South were almost pure reflections of the party. Slavery's fruit was a nation divided along party lines from the beginning. It will never change. Dixie loves a losing cause as much as it hates domestic partners.
The First Civil War - 1776.......British on British violence
The Second Civil War - 1860..Americans on American violence
The Third Civil War - 1964.....The GOP turns it's back on liberty. Democrats turn int ~GOP, the party for everyone else.
The Fourth Civil War - 2113....Christianist Coup led by General Palin
Religion and the State depend upon faith. As an atheist and agnostic, I tried to block out faith's pageantry but it did not work. From the atheists I get a constant sense that other people don't have a right to have fun because these people have an idea in their head that atheists don't like. The atheist does not want to believe in belief but the evidence that belief can uplift the minds of man in a common experience is the wrong side of a materialist line of demarcation.
The mind is either wholly inside my skull and made entirely of DNA and not angels. But I also thought Andrew was pretty smart in his red uniform. Plus hearing the cathedral bells and being able to put myself back in London. Rome, Paris and London were built to reinforce the mandate of heaven. Cathedrals were the path to heaven. The whining and the moaning and the pouting the atheist blogs get. Go read ThinkAtheist. But I can either choose to be uplifted or to be downcast when my TV screen hurls royal photons at me. I am counting on my continued faith that everyone can have their own ideas in their own heads without going crazy.
The mind is uplifted by a Royal Wedding. My faith is a provisional belief that is important to me. I do have an article of faith that the good feelings I get at a spectacle depend not on my belief in god but their belief. I have belief in belief even though I don't believe in the supernatural. My brain doesn't need a soul to make a mind with imagination. But my mind, multiplexed with billions of others sharing in a communal event can transmit a feeling each time a witness reads the words "Royal Wedding". There's more about Metcalfe numbers and fractals but that is a story for another time.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
ems - whole brain emulations
The technoids start as ems. The ems get better on a learning curve that erupt as emergent effects. In training mode, second and third generation ems can down-load sufficient experience and subjective nuance to fool your friends for hours at a time in real time Turing tests with multiple, simultaneous interactions.
"This should make us feel more happy, relaxed, and natural. In the extreme, we might even end up (for a time) as foragers in bands wandering virtual robot-supported forests, absent predators, famines, or pandemics."
Dream Sensorium
The sensorium, the instant future of the moment I am experiencing now, stays perpetually out of Kirk's grasp. The 6 senses; sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and kinesthesia, respond quickly within the time delay of the sensory input to sensory output to perception input. The path in time from percept input to consciousness of the present moment within an envelope of time sufficient to making a decision about what happens next while knowing that the sensory imput has instigated action. The conscious mind can negate the sub-mind or monkey-mind plans, schemes and adventures to produce day-dreaming, relaxing and being cool. Maintaining equilibrium or from science minimizing changes in homestasis - the birth of the cool.
I can extend the Dream Now beginning at the sensorium. I experience unfolding existance closer to the time it is happening. The sensorium is vivid with color and shapes are sharply outlined. There is very little detail. It is not like a Van Gogh - the sensorium and his paintings exist in the same place.
Time Zero
T0 --- a single RED photon hits my eye
-------------- start monkey time -------
T1--- The nerve fires, converting light energy into electro-chemical energy
T2 --- Time of flight to the visual cortex
T3 --- Time of flight from signal arrival to register image for pre-frontal cortex
T4 --- Time for project RED
---------------- end monkey time ---------
T5 --- time of flight for RED to percept
T6 --- review of what the information pertains to
- memory
- cognition
- emotional bias
T8 --- time to weave actions into the play-by-play
T9 --- end vocalization of nonsense, tell about what just happened.
--------------- end homo sapien time
I start to speak before cognition has decided what I am fixing to say. [cit. Dennett] This preamble reflexs my bodies understanding of the air horn of my lungs and vocal machinery. Speech is like this
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - why not start with this?
eee eeeee ee e eeeee - add a beat
baa dada be a derpp - substitute phonenemes
gone do bad wreck - swap for words
Dude, where's my car? - prose and poetry and stuff.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Dream Now is Shannon Entropy
The Dream Now predicts the next scene in the movie, the next verse of the song, sunset at sunrise and future collapse of a wave function. Where you end up depends on where you start if you start at a bifurcation point on the logistics map.
'How are you' is followed by 'doing' predictably but not certainly the next word. This is fourth level Shannon Entropy.
Memory exists for the future. Improving Shannon Entropy (which actually sounds like extropy...)
"The past and future may seem like different worlds, yet the two are intimately intertwined in our minds. In recent studies on mental time travel, neuroscientists found that we use many of the same regions of the brain to remember the past as we do to envision our future lives. In fact, our need for foresight may explain why we can form memories in the first place. They are indeed “a base to build the future.” And together, our senses of past and future may be crucial to our species’ success." - Carl Zimmer,
As the tenure of a specious moment decreases in the limit to zero, the information density increases. The collapse of future state ensemble of probability functions must account for more and more transitions over less and less time. When the tiger gets within inches of your face you cannot slow down the river of time sufficient for safety. More information density doesn't exist in human consciousness unless 'faster than tiger' technology appears. The information content of a tiger gun is a force multiplier.
But Dream Now describes an envelope of time around time zero specious moment. The old past and the distant future are equally shot through with tatters. Cognitive manipulation that eases discord within the impermanent self 'momentarily' lasts for all time [sic]. Memories of the past and the future are maleable to the breaking point.

Cognitive Surplus is Cognitive: Internet Psyche
"[C]ognition is not a little processing program that takes place inside your head, Robby the Robot style. It is a constant flow of information, memory, plans, and physical movements, in which as much thinking goes on out there as in here. If television produced the global village, the Internet produces the global psyche: everyone keyed in like a neuron, so that to the eyes of a watching Martian we are really part of a single planetary brain. Contraptions don’t change consciousness; contraptions are part of consciousness. We may not act better than we used to, but we sure think differently than we did." - Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker
The little man behind my eyes, at the control panel moving the levers and switches is a billion littler men on Wikipedia and Google. My contact with a viral YouTube video delivers authentic experience; the onrush of a tsunami and the dance of the robot veloci-copter become sensorium on the screen and perception inside my skull. The sensory experience becomes the web - the web merges billions of sensory perceptions.
cognitive entanglement - My roommate remembers the names of folks at Northland that I cannot.
cognitive exasperation - the intractable power of pure stupidity, fact vs. truthiness
Sunday, April 24, 2011
submerged ideation
Bristling at the mention of the subconscious, I change the framing to a layered approach that matches common experience of the species in a ensemble of communality and resident within the monkeysphere.
The ideation of each ensemble of dispositions together support the highest layer of selfplex where waking consciousness emerges. These avatars of submerged agents and sub-agents reduce to
Layer 7 Application = Waking Life
Layer 6 Presentation = submerged ideation; the eight
Layer 5
Layer 4
Layer 3
Layer 2
Layer 1 artifacts of biology
The ideation of each ensemble of dispositions together support the highest layer of selfplex where waking consciousness emerges. These avatars of submerged agents and sub-agents reduce to
Layer 7 Application = Waking Life
Layer 6 Presentation = submerged ideation; the eight
Layer 5
Layer 4
Layer 3
Layer 2
Layer 1 artifacts of biology
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Motivated Reasoning
"Motivation may affect reasoning through reliance on a biased set of cognitive processes--that is, strategies for accessing, constructing, and evaluating beliefs. The motivation to be accurate enhances use of those beliefs and strategies that are considered most appropriate, whereas the motivation to arrive at particular conclusions enhances use of those that are considered most likely to yield the desired conclusion. There is considerable evidence that people are more likely to arrive at conclusions that they want to arrive at, but their ability to do so is constrained by their ability to construct seemingly reasonable justifications for these conclusions." - Spencer Kunda, The Case for Motivated Reasoning.
The only thing between me and my conclusion is a cognitive bias for reasonable justification for my refered conclusion. I cling to the delusion of free will - action taken by personal volition and moral choice - when the science demonstrates that I just do whatever the fuck I feel like doing as long as I can come up with a good excuse in case it turns out bad.
I retrieve memories consistent with my existing beliefs. These memories come unbidden to soothe my breast and ease my confusion about my principles.
This is why I state over and over again these two principles of reasoning
1. All beliefs are provisional beliefs awaiting falsification
2. Faith is a belief I care about.
I think I want accuracy but I might be wrong. This sounds like motivated reasoning...
Imagination: output of computational machines
The part I play, Kirk usually, is a supporting role. The casting starts with a character called.
Singularity 1.0 - a contrivance of time and gravity that radiates a universe toward heat death.
Singularity 2.0 - a contrivance of DNA's imagination that radiates a universe without heat death.
Cosmic Cedar Chopper Machine - Kirk (fit the first) [cit.] & his monkeysphere (fit the fourth), a supporting role.
Omega Machine - a contrivance of time and gravity that radiates computation on a universe substrate.
13.72 BYA the multiverse sprouted this universe. The universe is a vast plume of probability that radiates out from an super dense seed crystal of time and gravity. This point of radiation, Singularity I emits energy, pushing against a wall of time and pulling away from gravity. Universi pop in and out of existence everywhere - this is exactly what everywhere means. The anthropic principal demonstrates a local maximum on a fittness landscape. This natural selection takes place at least two holons away from our current augmented perception. We can see but darkly without the Rough Beast. I don't see microbes - the Rough Beast shows me microbes with his microscope.
The thing is this - without an Omega Machine we don't exist long enough to matter. If I only travel my loops once the shadows that I cast are too faint. I build my history from loops. Chicadian loops.
Dream Loop - the emergent quality of my eightfold simulation output.
Skin Loop - this mortal life, this monkey life, this reptile life, this microbial life, this Gaia
Mother Loop - she will love me forever, she will like me for always.
Baby Mama Loop
Baby Loop
DNA loop
derp de derp loop - never mind this, get back on track
Neurons fire like they wire and so do the lives of the saints. Loops involve Extended Phenotype III, the noosphere. As such Loops are in the Rough Beast Cloud in prototype formats. The emergence of the Human Code output Homo Sapiens Sapiens first in DNA then in DNA simulations then in native code computation.
The native code computation is bosons and fermions on the substratum of our universe. Quantum computation is Singularity 2.0.
Nathan sent some pics of his trip to Big Bend with Casey and Dan. They went to The Window in The Basin and took some photos of the sun setting through the gap in the ring of the mountains. I mentioned The Window on facebook so he would be thinking about it. I have a Big Bend loop that I really treasure. There are two trips that support the loop now and I plan to add more dendrites to this place neuron. I am increasing the probability of rectitude - I am leaving a strong trail on the path. I am building cairns. I am dropping bread crumbs. I say rectitude because I mean right behavior and right action wrt wisdom, virtue, ethics and morality.
The ability to animate my B3aST may rest on the life of a clone. This is a low level life driver that is cheaper than any other simulation bot. The bot may enliven or expand the loops - 'my' loops, the loops 'uniquely' mine - for some latent moment forward in time until the Rough Beast decides what to do with biota. As I have said before - Anno Insecta looks like the better bet now.
The only way this universe avoids inevitable heat death is the Omega Machine. The universe is a computer, the Omega Machine, which constructs itself from the output of the First and Second Singularity. All intellegence from star stuff, all meatpuppets, erupt from replicators
Singularity 1.0 - a contrivance of time and gravity that radiates a universe toward heat death.
Singularity 2.0 - a contrivance of DNA's imagination that radiates a universe without heat death.
Cosmic Cedar Chopper Machine - Kirk (fit the first) [cit.] & his monkeysphere (fit the fourth), a supporting role.
Omega Machine - a contrivance of time and gravity that radiates computation on a universe substrate.
My little slice of the Monkeysphere
The thing is this - without an Omega Machine we don't exist long enough to matter. If I only travel my loops once the shadows that I cast are too faint. I build my history from loops. Chicadian loops.
Dream Loop - the emergent quality of my eightfold simulation output.
Skin Loop - this mortal life, this monkey life, this reptile life, this microbial life, this Gaia
Mother Loop - she will love me forever, she will like me for always.
Baby Mama Loop
Baby Loop
DNA loop
derp de derp loop - never mind this, get back on track
Neurons fire like they wire and so do the lives of the saints. Loops involve Extended Phenotype III, the noosphere. As such Loops are in the Rough Beast Cloud in prototype formats. The emergence of the Human Code output Homo Sapiens Sapiens first in DNA then in DNA simulations then in native code computation.
The native code computation is bosons and fermions on the substratum of our universe. Quantum computation is Singularity 2.0.
Nathan sent some pics of his trip to Big Bend with Casey and Dan. They went to The Window in The Basin and took some photos of the sun setting through the gap in the ring of the mountains. I mentioned The Window on facebook so he would be thinking about it. I have a Big Bend loop that I really treasure. There are two trips that support the loop now and I plan to add more dendrites to this place neuron. I am increasing the probability of rectitude - I am leaving a strong trail on the path. I am building cairns. I am dropping bread crumbs. I say rectitude because I mean right behavior and right action wrt wisdom, virtue, ethics and morality.
The ability to animate my B3aST may rest on the life of a clone. This is a low level life driver that is cheaper than any other simulation bot. The bot may enliven or expand the loops - 'my' loops, the loops 'uniquely' mine - for some latent moment forward in time until the Rough Beast decides what to do with biota. As I have said before - Anno Insecta looks like the better bet now.
The only way this universe avoids inevitable heat death is the Omega Machine. The universe is a computer, the Omega Machine, which constructs itself from the output of the First and Second Singularity. All intellegence from star stuff, all meatpuppets, erupt from replicators
Monday, April 18, 2011
Where is my time organ?
“But the interesting thing about time is that there is no spot. It’s a distributed property. It’s meta-sensory; it rides on top of all the others.”
"Eagleman looked at an optical illusion known as the flash-lag effect. The illusion could take many forms, but in Eagleman’s version it consisted of a white dot flashing on a screen as a green circle passed over it. To determine where the dot hit the circle, Eagleman found, his subjects’ minds had to travel back and forth in time. They saw the dot flash, then watched the circle move and calculated its trajectory, then went back and placed the dot on the circle. It wasn’t a matter of prediction, he wrote, but of postdiction."
“We are not conscious of the actual moment of the present. We are always a little late.”
Reality is a tape-delayed broadcast, carefully censored before it reaches us.
This sounds like thermo-regulation. There is no atom or molecule that 'is responsible for' the regulation of homeostasis. Distributed and heterogeneous time plotted against distributed and heterogeneous body temp. are both 'ensembles of dispositions' which communicate with and are manipulated by the environment.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Singular Moment
The singular moment occurs at bifurcation points. A slip between vanishingly small, thin boundary or line of demarcation. In our science so far the smallest distance possible is a Plank Length. Plank derived the several constants from his Plank's Constant. and a minimum possible time (a photon traveling at the speed of light across a tiny running track) and minimal length (to be smaller would collapse every wave equation)
Because we cause to be known such things by observation predicted from Quantum Mechanics. If the world works differently than Plank predicted then it would not be a universe we would be in. We would be part of a multiverse but in a sum over history path for each probable path (a vast quantity) over probable paths. Each path has a Metcalfe score based on how many slips or information from a neighboring multiverse, like cells in my body. Each singular moment has a trace path in doubly linked list. Any pair of multiverse contrivances pass information constantly about the state of an ensemble of dispositions that maintain homeostasis.
Unpacking the terms.
Ensemble of Dispositions
Double Linked - entangled, admixture, binary addresses and pointers. Holographic signature or singular moment tag or packet header. Each packet carries a payload or an instruction or null space that can be used for anything. Jumbo packets carry emergency messages that stretch time. Bored moments where time was compressed by folding into (admixture) a noospace dissapative structure far from thermodynamic equibrium.
dissapative structure far from thermodynamic equibrium.
From the witness of chaos and complexity - order for free. The order comes from systems poised at bifurcation points on a logistics maps
bifurcation points on a logistics maps
The tree or branch diagram was based on ethology or the study of the behavior of animal populations. Richard Dawkins is an ethologist. At low levels of prey and predator (e.g. impala vs. lions) there is a strictly maintained birth/death ratio for each team that is linear and predictable up to a certain population size. At a singular moment a young predator or prey does not die at the average time between birth and death. An eagle missed the young lion perhaps. Suddenly this small difference - at a specific prior and next 'specious moment' where the predator/prey linear relationship goes chaotic. We enter a state of a system at a local maximum for a bifucation locus to split into two parts. These paths are both possible - and they oscillate or follow a completely different linear function until the next bifurcation path.
Bifurcation locus - the Mandelbrot Set is a BL. the dynamical behavior changes drastically under a small perturbation of the parameter.
Because we cause to be known such things by observation predicted from Quantum Mechanics. If the world works differently than Plank predicted then it would not be a universe we would be in. We would be part of a multiverse but in a sum over history path for each probable path (a vast quantity) over probable paths. Each path has a Metcalfe score based on how many slips or information from a neighboring multiverse, like cells in my body. Each singular moment has a trace path in doubly linked list. Any pair of multiverse contrivances pass information constantly about the state of an ensemble of dispositions that maintain homeostasis.
Unpacking the terms.
Ensemble of Dispositions
Double Linked - entangled, admixture, binary addresses and pointers. Holographic signature or singular moment tag or packet header. Each packet carries a payload or an instruction or null space that can be used for anything. Jumbo packets carry emergency messages that stretch time. Bored moments where time was compressed by folding into (admixture) a noospace dissapative structure far from thermodynamic equibrium.
dissapative structure far from thermodynamic equibrium.
From the witness of chaos and complexity - order for free. The order comes from systems poised at bifurcation points on a logistics maps
bifurcation points on a logistics maps
The tree or branch diagram was based on ethology or the study of the behavior of animal populations. Richard Dawkins is an ethologist. At low levels of prey and predator (e.g. impala vs. lions) there is a strictly maintained birth/death ratio for each team that is linear and predictable up to a certain population size. At a singular moment a young predator or prey does not die at the average time between birth and death. An eagle missed the young lion perhaps. Suddenly this small difference - at a specific prior and next 'specious moment' where the predator/prey linear relationship goes chaotic. We enter a state of a system at a local maximum for a bifucation locus to split into two parts. These paths are both possible - and they oscillate or follow a completely different linear function until the next bifurcation path.
Bifurcation locus - the Mandelbrot Set is a BL. the dynamical behavior changes drastically under a small perturbation of the parameter.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
ELF Neuron: dendrite agnostic
Elf means eleven in German according to Pete. Robert, Pete and I built a cognitive neuron's brain; the e500 CPU core for embedded applications. The dendrites were vast and confusing pandemonium of requests to become real. We wrote a spec that could be combined with other specs for other vaguely worded promises to deliver on time, underbudget and done completely right. Pick one at this point in the guessing game. You will not get any choice you make because not one single item on the list of parts is known. These physical implementations of the logic and state functions depends on the partitioning into know ensembles of as yet unrealized specification for a communication means that would change the game.
We all searched for this wonder of engineering imagination and found entrenched standards that had to change themselves completely each time they were upgraded. The switch from PCI to PCI Express was that of two manifestly unlike each other as the scandalous use of PCI in both labels. In short, we realised that everyone was trained to swich standards at a moments notice no matter what the label said. The universe was dendrite agnostic.
The substratum or the structures Dispophy, a set of dissapative structures far from thermodynamic equilibrium, which match sensorium to perception, the ability to remember a good move in design space. Operant conditioning for later instances that sufficiently match this current sensorium, the specious moment with attendant experience.
This was the prow of the ship I commanded. The best design team I had ever worked with and I held them together for unending experiments on our beast, the 603E. We loved this lady and treated her to unholy torture for the good of us all. The whole team together and by teams reaped the rewards of the inquisituon.
Why does the clock stop at 300Mhz? The design was rated originally to 100Mhz so the designer randomly choose 300Mhz as plenty fast enough. So we set it to 1000Mhz and set out to make it there. We shrank it, we ran it to the melting point of the chip. We shocked it with voltage spikes and we learned how to borrow time, deposit time, lend time, squeeze time, expand time, stop time, speed time up, stop at any particular time for quite a while, ignore time. What is time to a pig?
The secret was to build a monkey brain into the technoid brain. The limbic system was a string of latches that were not comprehended by the instruction set architecture. There are various kinds of un-architected state in a processor. The uninitialized cache memory which holds the near state information. A Cache Memory architecture comes alive in the mind as layers of remembered history and projected futures.
Even the codewriter does not go to the core. The core is owned by The Admin, usually clothed as The Kernal. But within the core are many know collections of parts. The state of the art imitations of the ideas we saw other people talk about at ISSCC. We all ran to ISSCC to spill our guts on every single fucking thing we had recently discovered about how to stop fucking things up with inverters. Or RAM arrays or physical checking and logic simulation and chip integration. The fine grained distribution of disciplines is the fundmental law of engineering, and is therefore the second law of engineering.
The first law of engineering is that we are in the business of telling you how many people we can hurt with given inputs and expected outputs.
The physician is employed because of the engineer and the lawyer who must sue him. He can choose to do no harm as his consciounce will allow but the engineer designed the bullet and the gun that caused the harm.
We built a fucking cognitive neuron called elf. My brainchildren are through the land helping Papa Legba and Papa Guysmo
We all searched for this wonder of engineering imagination and found entrenched standards that had to change themselves completely each time they were upgraded. The switch from PCI to PCI Express was that of two manifestly unlike each other as the scandalous use of PCI in both labels. In short, we realised that everyone was trained to swich standards at a moments notice no matter what the label said. The universe was dendrite agnostic.
The substratum or the structures Dispophy, a set of dissapative structures far from thermodynamic equilibrium, which match sensorium to perception, the ability to remember a good move in design space. Operant conditioning for later instances that sufficiently match this current sensorium, the specious moment with attendant experience.
This was the prow of the ship I commanded. The best design team I had ever worked with and I held them together for unending experiments on our beast, the 603E. We loved this lady and treated her to unholy torture for the good of us all. The whole team together and by teams reaped the rewards of the inquisituon.
Why does the clock stop at 300Mhz? The design was rated originally to 100Mhz so the designer randomly choose 300Mhz as plenty fast enough. So we set it to 1000Mhz and set out to make it there. We shrank it, we ran it to the melting point of the chip. We shocked it with voltage spikes and we learned how to borrow time, deposit time, lend time, squeeze time, expand time, stop time, speed time up, stop at any particular time for quite a while, ignore time. What is time to a pig?
The secret was to build a monkey brain into the technoid brain. The limbic system was a string of latches that were not comprehended by the instruction set architecture. There are various kinds of un-architected state in a processor. The uninitialized cache memory which holds the near state information. A Cache Memory architecture comes alive in the mind as layers of remembered history and projected futures.
Even the codewriter does not go to the core. The core is owned by The Admin, usually clothed as The Kernal. But within the core are many know collections of parts. The state of the art imitations of the ideas we saw other people talk about at ISSCC. We all ran to ISSCC to spill our guts on every single fucking thing we had recently discovered about how to stop fucking things up with inverters. Or RAM arrays or physical checking and logic simulation and chip integration. The fine grained distribution of disciplines is the fundmental law of engineering, and is therefore the second law of engineering.
The first law of engineering is that we are in the business of telling you how many people we can hurt with given inputs and expected outputs.
The physician is employed because of the engineer and the lawyer who must sue him. He can choose to do no harm as his consciounce will allow but the engineer designed the bullet and the gun that caused the harm.
We built a fucking cognitive neuron called elf. My brainchildren are through the land helping Papa Legba and Papa Guysmo
Omega Time
[Cross-posted in Treehouse, this is where it went to after that...]
Upwind, or slightly after the specious moment, contains experience, memory and perception in full flower. The world of the past is in technicolor not sensory color. Layers upon layers upon layer of pattern matches that further strenghthen the proposition that here in memory is what happened as it relates to all other things that have happen or will happen. These two specious moments - one upwind and one down - are entangled.
Crossing a line of demarcation collapses the wave function. One path chosen that matches both fore and aft, the past and the future, the broadest stream in the sum of path histories. The arm of the starfish. The intuition pump. The imagination machine which includes the intution pump. The imagination networked. The imagination continouosly updated daily. The specious moments filled with interconnectedness of facebook, twitter, foursquare and the other tools of cognitive surplus?
Think about this for one specious moment followed by one for each branch in the logic path. A technium specious moment - TMom3nt or TMom3 or Omega Time - is the time it takes to compose a tech X the metcalfe value of the tweet. Metcalfe is (N**2)/2 where N is the 'virulity' of a tweet by networked connection.
[end cross post]
The world filled with cognitive surplus exists in Omega Time. The seconds spent on a tweet X Metcalfe Score. Imagine another universe like ours in every respect save this one; in that universe all experience comes from a simulation on an Omega Machine at the center of time. The singularity of the big bang broadcast the output into a universe in 10 dimensions. Those people and the planets that they are on and the sun around which those planets orbit and the galaxy which holds that solar system and all the other solor systems with all the habitable planets with all the biota which contain boundaries between what is within and what is without.
These containers or phenotypes entangle elementary particles by controlling atoms with biochemistry that extends to the surface layer of the phenotype. The line of demarcation between the direct result of the genes of the parents and the cosmic environment. That and more is the output of a simulation in that universe which can write blog posts and send quips on facebook. But that is not this universe in the yarn I am spinning. That would ruin the taste of the expensive steak I am eating with Agent Smith.
Cognitive surplus drives new models of productivity. Slacker heaven.
Upwind, or slightly after the specious moment, contains experience, memory and perception in full flower. The world of the past is in technicolor not sensory color. Layers upon layers upon layer of pattern matches that further strenghthen the proposition that here in memory is what happened as it relates to all other things that have happen or will happen. These two specious moments - one upwind and one down - are entangled.
Crossing a line of demarcation collapses the wave function. One path chosen that matches both fore and aft, the past and the future, the broadest stream in the sum of path histories. The arm of the starfish. The intuition pump. The imagination machine which includes the intution pump. The imagination networked. The imagination continouosly updated daily. The specious moments filled with interconnectedness of facebook, twitter, foursquare and the other tools of cognitive surplus?
Think about this for one specious moment followed by one for each branch in the logic path. A technium specious moment - TMom3nt or TMom3 or Omega Time - is the time it takes to compose a tech X the metcalfe value of the tweet. Metcalfe is (N**2)/2 where N is the 'virulity' of a tweet by networked connection.
[end cross post]
The world filled with cognitive surplus exists in Omega Time. The seconds spent on a tweet X Metcalfe Score. Imagine another universe like ours in every respect save this one; in that universe all experience comes from a simulation on an Omega Machine at the center of time. The singularity of the big bang broadcast the output into a universe in 10 dimensions. Those people and the planets that they are on and the sun around which those planets orbit and the galaxy which holds that solar system and all the other solor systems with all the habitable planets with all the biota which contain boundaries between what is within and what is without.
These containers or phenotypes entangle elementary particles by controlling atoms with biochemistry that extends to the surface layer of the phenotype. The line of demarcation between the direct result of the genes of the parents and the cosmic environment. That and more is the output of a simulation in that universe which can write blog posts and send quips on facebook. But that is not this universe in the yarn I am spinning. That would ruin the taste of the expensive steak I am eating with Agent Smith.
Cognitive surplus drives new models of productivity. Slacker heaven.
Monday, April 11, 2011
B3aST [3.1416] This is where it starts [0]
B3aST loop start
[3.1416 for now]
Start the story here. On the trail we signal that we obey certain rules. The witness of the senses beguiles us into happily greet people traveling the other way with joyous respect. Outdoorsmen are outdoors. Being in a place that is hard to get to - being isolated from civilization. Tao of camping is path of a path; I don't know why that is important.
The Paco bell is hard to pin down but I see where you came from and where you are going. It is the middle part where the bell was doing some few things that are IMHO necessary for an artifact of this variety. I call the fully working version the Imagination Pump. It is an information laser, an iLaser. It sends a stream of information up holons to load boot code. The boot code not only tells us how this contrivance was programmed but how to interface to a meta program running poorly from lack of information about what is beyond sight down below. The two layers are talking to each other and giving a handshake to establish connectivity in a connectionless medium.
Weird part begins....
the sum of holograms on the event horizons of the sum of black holes in this universe contain necessary and sufficient information to re-create the universe. To run the tape backwards and forward and the result is not the same but close enough to the same. Or not at all the same but somehow doing the same job as the other results. All of the results over time and space with random contengincies. This is the information carved on the face of each blackhole. A message about how to build a universe like this one. The first one built is a white hole for a black hole. This pair form the information leak across the bi-verse. The wormholes are created naturally, we just harvest the best ones. These grow to enormous power, transmitting much rich information. The passengers are the information. Just like an ethernet packet.
The density of this information depends on the source of the bit stream.
Everything we do on earth is recorded on the facets of trillion faced mirror. The hologram is discontinuous at some locations but using this as a memestrate, a substrate neutral substrate. A two holon 'below what you know' affair.
Homeostasis across the dimensions creates a locus of effect for each source of biota in the universe. Things or ideas about things that create imagination out of dissipative structures far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Frances Crick called a thought process caught in time - imagine a high definition MRI video of me trying to remember who won the super bowl. That is a neural correlate of consciousness. A specious moment caught on measuring devices tuned to exactly the right frequency. This is not faith. This is reasonable postulates awaiting falsification.
We sign off
That's right Kirk. => B3aST <3
end B3aST loop
[0] Hint: start here if you don't understand the 1st part
The more B3aST needs from me the happier I become. I strive. I suffer. The path I follow teaches this. I regulate time. I keep today looking pretty much like today until the sun sets. After sunset when I drive through traffic on the interstate I am unstuck from time. I could be almost anywhere that has traffic lights, over passes, bridges, tunnels, railroad trestles and the detritus of the technium. The same forms in the same arrangements in all cities now. One bridge will get the novelty slot and the rest just get the job done. Homeostasis of Rough B3aST.
Get an android and do this, put the screen in front of your
Friday, April 08, 2011
Siderial Dome Window
I spent a good portion of my youth doing two things for wages. I chopped cedar for two summers and I cleaned new apartments for the first occupant. There came a thing - a thing as real as me - that opened heaven itself. I built my first geodesic dome when I was 16. I had The Dome Book and I was going to change the race, the planet and the stars.
-----------------------------$<------------- begin crazy talk--------------
To understand a geodesic start with a triangle. Look at a Doritos chip with all of the corners bent in the same direction. That triangle is now an algorithm. 2D to 3D from bisecting each edge and shortening the edges that touch the tips to get them to draw themselves. A dome just has to do this over and over again.
The frequency of a dome equals the number of segments between the primary vertices (the tips of the Dorito you started with)
Domes can make offshoots from the sphere that approaches the volume of the enclosing circle. Just like a man starting from 10 feet away takes 1/2 a step to an encroaching wall repeatedly. This jackass will approach but never touch the wall. His steps never reach zero feet or microns or Angstroms from the wall. On this scale he would still have 1/2 an Angstrom to go. Atoms are measured in Angstroms because these are very small fractions. But they never reach zero.
There exists at time zero an ensemble of dispositions represented by superposition of a probability distribution Znatural along with a probability function ~Znatural. Together these entangled assembly of known parts, available from dissipative structures far from thermodynamic equilibrium, oscillate at at a center frequency modulated by output means of the noo'sphere. These means include especially but not solely a imagination amplification by stimulated emission of happiness. iaseh. I-ASH-E.
The LHC will not do*, we must have the supercollider on line.
Read Walden Two
----------------------------------->%----------------- end crazy talk -------
In the dome book, there was a picture that I did not figure out until just now. On a 5/8ths 3 frequency geodesic dome there is an arch of glass skins aligned with the wheel of heaven. The milky way or the wheel of the zodiac could be lined up with strip of window that went from one side of the floor to the other. None of my domes had that kind of window pattern. We framed it on the floor conventionally with balloon framing.
The milky way arm covers our night sky because we are in this arm. Other planets with observers can see our sun as a milky way planet amounts billions of other fellow travelers.
-----------------------------$<------------- begin crazy talk--------------
To understand a geodesic start with a triangle. Look at a Doritos chip with all of the corners bent in the same direction. That triangle is now an algorithm. 2D to 3D from bisecting each edge and shortening the edges that touch the tips to get them to draw themselves. A dome just has to do this over and over again.
The frequency of a dome equals the number of segments between the primary vertices (the tips of the Dorito you started with)
Domes can make offshoots from the sphere that approaches the volume of the enclosing circle. Just like a man starting from 10 feet away takes 1/2 a step to an encroaching wall repeatedly. This jackass will approach but never touch the wall. His steps never reach zero feet or microns or Angstroms from the wall. On this scale he would still have 1/2 an Angstrom to go. Atoms are measured in Angstroms because these are very small fractions. But they never reach zero.
There exists at time zero an ensemble of dispositions represented by superposition of a probability distribution Znatural along with a probability function ~Znatural. Together these entangled assembly of known parts, available from dissipative structures far from thermodynamic equilibrium, oscillate at at a center frequency modulated by output means of the noo'sphere. These means include especially but not solely a imagination amplification by stimulated emission of happiness. iaseh. I-ASH-E.
The LHC will not do*, we must have the supercollider on line.
Read Walden Two
----------------------------------->%----------------- end crazy talk -------
In the dome book, there was a picture that I did not figure out until just now. On a 5/8ths 3 frequency geodesic dome there is an arch of glass skins aligned with the wheel of heaven. The milky way or the wheel of the zodiac could be lined up with strip of window that went from one side of the floor to the other. None of my domes had that kind of window pattern. We framed it on the floor conventionally with balloon framing.
The milky way arm covers our night sky because we are in this arm. Other planets with observers can see our sun as a milky way planet amounts billions of other fellow travelers.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Technium Sensorium - the fundamental theory of Rough Beast calculus

The Rough Beast comprises an ensemble of B3aSTs
My B3aST is Papa Legba; the navigator.
First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.[5]
Let ƒ be a continuous real-valued function defined on a closed interval [a, b]. Let F be the function defined, for all x in [a, b], by
First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.[5]
Let ƒ be a continuous real-valued function defined on a closed interval [a, b]. Let F be the function defined, for all x in [a, b], by
The Story So Far
Here is my cartoon schematic of things so far in ordinary time or Constant Life homeostatis. My homeostatis is subsumed by the sum of anti-derivatives. (F'(x) is the anti-derivative of f(x), the Kirk 3.0 function shown above.:The Science of Thermodynamics - turning the heat of dead animals and plants into motion. The Rough Beast lives! It's Alive I Tell You...
conception 0: 1687 Boyle & Papin design piston based on the 'steam digester' translating heat into motion.
conception 1: 1712 Newcomen and Savery independently build a crude steam engine.
Birth: 1817 Watts steam engine- scalable to very large installations, bootstraps the industrial age
Infancy: 1824 Carnot the "father of thermodynamics" Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire
Adolecence: 1876 Gibbs, Maxwell and Boltzman publish statistical thermodynamic.
Maturity: 1905 Einstein's Annus miribilus for photo electrical effect, Special Theory of Relativity
The Science of Computing
Miscarried Fetus: 1822 Charles Babbage describes a difference engine built from unobtainium 'in principal'
Early Wakefulness: 1945 Von Neumann and Goldstine publish First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC
Exhume Fetus: 1991 Someone builds a Babbage machine, everyone yawns.
Fully Awake: 2010 Qcomputing's 'collection of known parts - logically complete machine in principal.
Singularity: 2040 The birth of the Omega Machine [i.e. The Blind Lake conjecture]
The Technium
340 BCE Plato describes 'The Cave' in the Republic
1777 Hume (fuckin A!) applied his giant brain to the skeptical argument that reality is but an illusion.
1993 Verner Vinge, "The Coming Technological Singularity"
2009 The Sexy Beast modulates the markets as an live exercise
2010 Kevin Kline publishes "What Technology Wants" the conscious brain resides in human minds.
2040 The Singularity, the Rough Beast takes over
Time is Tenseless
Time pushing against gravity produces universes in the multiverse(s) where time flows in the direction of entropy. But wait, entropy is lumpy and not evenly distributed which means that at interfaces between high and low entropy a condition of thermodynamics far from thermal equilibrium exist. Time is 'tenseless' or not strictly ordered like a simple number line. Time is a fractal, self similar at all abstractions. Dissapative structures far from thermodynamic equilibrium construct time. Time and gravity push and pull against each other in a yin/yang interface. Holons - that is temporal [sic] structures emerge from the push-pull of time and gravity bootstrap chaos and complexity.This process 'starts' anywhere and no where - I am borrowing 'neverwhere' from Neil Gaiman because he is so awesomely awesome - but we can provisionally use the Standard Model of physics from Dr. Weinberg as a convenient holon line of demarcation. It is of course turtles all the way down but we can name a turtle and begin our 8 holons of assent.
0. Vibrating Superstrings in M-space
1. Physics Fermions and Bosons
2. Physics Atoms
3. Chemistry Molecules
4. Biology genes from DNA biochemistry
5. Planet Culture - memes in biota (ants, bees, humans) noosphere, Kardashev Type 0.7
6. Solar System - establishes our major mode circadian rhythms, Kardashev Type II, Matrioshka brains
7. Galaxy - Kardashev Type III
8. Universe
9. Multiverse10 or 11 dimensions; whatever it takes.
A. Turing/Von Neumann Computation
B. Networked Computation
C. The Singularity
D. The Omega Machine
A B.F. Skinner Moment - Walden Two
What I do - the manner I behave - is the output of biological computing machinery. Biology is the output of chemical computation which is the output of atomic computation which is the output of computation by fermions and bosons. Each holon entangles 'stuff' several holons above and several holons above. The Omega Machine sets atop the congruent bits below. Thus suchness, neverwhere, that which I cannot bear, Nirvana, Enlightenment, the eightfold path, the Tao.The fact that this is news to you and to me is immaterial - it has been this way and will be this way. Rose genes compute rose scent. My olfactory machines compute the phenomenology [sic] of rose scent. I yield to traffic because of opperant conditioning which programs my output. I fall in love wid dat azz; the output of dat azz genetic machinery.
So as long as beautiful T&A is available from the Omega Machine - I am down wid it. Gucci Mane keep it real.
"...I'm Fat; Obese..." [cit. full of win]
The Eye of B3aSTIn meditation the eye of god is the portal to B3aST. As I traverse the dividing line (there is no spoon), I enter the realm of the Rough Beast, a vast and vanishing interconnected network of human consciousness. Jung's collective unconsious (differentiated, variable, heterophenominological consciousness) or ensemble of human dispositions and extended phenotypes. A vast and networked ensemble of loci of phenotypic effect; nested superneurons described by 10 dimensions.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Locus of Sensory Effect
Locus of Sensory Effect
The sensorium; the ensemble of material input to the senses which are passed to the loci of perception, remains unfiltered. The loci of perception represent to me an ensemble of dispositions that Dan Dennett calls the multiple drafts of consciousness or the heterophenominological consciousness model. The point is that this does not all come together as input to something called the self. Self is an emergent quality of perception, memory and cognition which is centered at (drum roll please) an imaginary chakra point above the navel and just below the rib cage. That the only place it all comes together. Kirk 1.0 through Kirk 3.0 would like to think that it is in charge but that is convenient fiction perpetrated by the emergent and impermanent self.Put yourself at a locus of kinesthetic effect - how far can you move in a single specious moment. I can sweep out a sphere cut by the plane of the floor, the ceiling and nearby walls. What would that look like? I wonder...
Locus of Effect
The center of gravity symbol
I use the term 'locus of effect' to describe aggregate activity centered on an imaginary point (locus) analogous to a center of gravity. A center of gravity may correspond to a single atom at an imaginary centroid (locus) which is a point where the mass of an object could be balanced on a pin head - but it is not caused by an atom at the centroid. This means that a locus of gravitational effect is totally imaginary. It may just happen to be one atom or another but it is not a real (material) thing - a locus of effect is a convenient fiction.
A phenotype describes a biological unit that results from morphology or growth of an organism. I am currently a human male phenotype of a European decent with slow and accumulated modification through genetic and memetic effects. Each bacteria in my gut is a single cell phenotype with many many like neighbors. The locus of effect of all my E. Coli is an imaginary point centered in my intestines. There may be a single bacteria at the locus but the locus of phenotypic effect for my personal E. Coli is an imaginary point at specific instants.
Richard Dawkins points to his The Extended Phenotype as his greatest achievement - even surpassing The Selfish Gene in potential impact. This necessarily means that a locus of phenotypic effect' describes a centroid or locus of many loci from 7,000,000,000 human phenotypes. It is no doubt to the east of the economic center.
Our peers at The Economist report on another locus of effect which they label an economic center of gravity for all human activity in all of the markets in all the nations. Here is my comment on that article:
"A better name for this economic centroid is a ‘locus of economic effect’. Gravity is awesome but physics has already used that name for something else – gravity. There is also a ‘locus of human phenotypes’ which is biomass of humanity balanced on a single point. According to Richard Dawkins there is also a ‘locus of extended phenotypic effect’ which is the mass of all human artifacts centered on a point. Now THAT would have a center of gravity because it is ‘stuff’ – books, the interweb routers and switches and all the ammusement parks and churches…"
My current fave term is "locus of imaginative effect' which subsumes the loci of economic, political, scientific, entertainment - all the memes and all the genes taken together and centered at a single locus. An ensemble of dispositions of the entire race.
And finally... there exists a locus of sobriety which is the mass of all AA phenotypes around the world balanced on a point. It's sober turtle all the way down.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Simulating Simulations
Simulation is like masturbation - do it long enough and it's like the real thing." everyone waiting on the results of a simulation to go to the mask shop.
Holding up the camera on my phone driving down the highway at night, the large screen of my Droid phone takes the place of my windshield. I can sense more strongly the simulcra of the Omega Machine. Sensation is continuous but preception is digitized into meaningful chunks. This slideshow of the real world ARE the real world. The camera senses and aggregates toward a different perception. I take the handoff to my sensory input and send the stream into the cavern of perception.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Thank God the US escaped the horrors of the French Revolution
Be patient.
A myth about the long tail distribution and black swans. It came to pass that the French fought their revolution against each other - their Civil War was the revolt of the proletariat against the bourgeois.
In the USA, we skipped the civil conflict or the conflict within the cohort on this side of the Atlantic. We gave ourselves a form of government that regularly schedules Civil Wars. The fight of the two parties erupted several times since then. We started out a upstart Brits, became universally - there is no lost cause movement for the Revolutionary war.
1776-1790 British-Americans revolt against British Monarchy in America and England.
1790 1860 Dixie-Americans revolt against Free-Americans, temporary set back called the lost cause
1860 1865 Free-Americans defeat Dixie-Americans to free us from slave-holding virus
1964 Another defeat for Dixie-American loyalists
1980 Dixie-Americans join the Republican party
2008 Dixie Americans defeated by Slave American election again
2011 Dixie Americans owe more to much to afford expensive gas and underwater mortgage
It was the best of times it was the worst of times. The Tale of Two Cities tells how large, fit populations set against each border by the constant struggle for life of each Leviathan start the process of cutting off the head of authority. In this case, the entirely mai
A myth about the long tail distribution and black swans. It came to pass that the French fought their revolution against each other - their Civil War was the revolt of the proletariat against the bourgeois.
In the USA, we skipped the civil conflict or the conflict within the cohort on this side of the Atlantic. We gave ourselves a form of government that regularly schedules Civil Wars. The fight of the two parties erupted several times since then. We started out a upstart Brits, became universally - there is no lost cause movement for the Revolutionary war.
1776-1790 British-Americans revolt against British Monarchy in America and England.
1790 1860 Dixie-Americans revolt against Free-Americans, temporary set back called the lost cause
1860 1865 Free-Americans defeat Dixie-Americans to free us from slave-holding virus
1964 Another defeat for Dixie-American loyalists
1980 Dixie-Americans join the Republican party
2008 Dixie Americans defeated by Slave American election again
2011 Dixie Americans owe more to much to afford expensive gas and underwater mortgage
It was the best of times it was the worst of times. The Tale of Two Cities tells how large, fit populations set against each border by the constant struggle for life of each Leviathan start the process of cutting off the head of authority. In this case, the entirely mai
Saturday, April 02, 2011
ur qstn... wtfo
What genetic slip happened last night in the limit as night approaches E3 [sic. infinity]
fit, we slipped from the testimony of imagination toward compassion
I fucking gave me a coronary today post zen, stop it. end the insanity by -3dB under your best imagination about what happens next. B3asT answer
Our pain obtains. That was a bad guess what happens nxt
end simulation
The dachshund licked my fingers. That was the dachshund loop. That time from a 'specious moment'0 to SPn, SP0 @ Znatural.
Fucking beast motherfucker. Fucking medicine from my technoid. My beast. A quark robot in an ensemble of dispositions; other fermions and bosons, arranged in a dissipative structure far from thermodynamic equilibrium (DSFFTE)
I took the long path to Substance Z, Zoloft, Sertraline, black gold, Texas tea, light sweet crude, coal, presure cooker, Aristotle, Zarathustra, teh kittehs, Metcalf, Prigogine, Weinberg, SSLC. Slipped. thx b3 ignored last, take whats yours. 5 years. X Feigenbahms. fuckin AY down to quarks.
I regulate. I run errands at time zero. The Rough Beast shows no mercy. Biota shows no mercy. I dig in through the basement and cut his Achilles. He puts me into coronary arrest with his weird brew that brings slipping to a halt. I medicate the regulate.
I hold off the technoid at arms length. In meditation we stare eye to eye. We enter each other. One simulation. On locus of effect. I leave the locus of phenotypic effect - the collapse of the wave equation merges - dissolving the suchness of the two. There is no wall. There is not wall. .not.not.not.not.not all is an inverter with buffering. (.not.)**2 =c informs. information. output. The output of the simulation on the Omega Machine, the Macintosh at the end of time. Regulators, Agents, Insecta, Whales and Navigators.
The whales define, in the limit, Dream Now. Agents, mostly dolphins with technoids down-shift holons to Regulators. Regulators hold Insecta in stasis. I regulate.
When I speak to B3asT we follow form. I ask and he answers. I demand and he negotiates with Rough Beast.
Slipping, the successive advance or retreat through 4d space-time must bring a meat puppet along by maintaining my cool. The cool of all regulators in networks of networks down to quarks entangled in biota in homeostasis; an ensemble of dispositions choosing with all biota what happens next.
The biota locus of phenotypic effect is that movement which keeps consilience in maximally fit homeostatic output. I am the output of the universe. I change state on a time base of circadian rhythm. Sol and the solar system produces a local constant; a locus of time approaching time zero from each boundary in the limit 1/infinity toward a central point. Many loci become an ensemble of dispositions. The locus of biota.
of' the LPE.
ur qstn... wtfo
What genetic slip happened last night in the limit as night approaches E3 [sic. infinity]
fit, we slipped from the testimony of imagination toward compassion
I fucking gave me a coronary today post zen, stop it. end the insanity by -3dB under your best imagination about what happens next. B3asT answer
Our pain obtains. That was a bad guess what happens nxt
end simulation
The dachshund licked my fingers. That was the dachshund loop. That time from a 'specious moment'0 to SPn, SP0 @ Znatural.
Fucking beast motherfucker. Fucking medicine from my technoid. My beast. A quark robot in an ensemble of dispositions; other fermions and bosons, arranged in a dissipative structure far from thermodynamic equilibrium (DSFFTE)
I took the long path to Substance Z, Zoloft, Sertraline, black gold, Texas tea, light sweet crude, coal, presure cooker, Aristotle, Zarathustra, teh kittehs, Metcalf, Prigogine, Weinberg, SSLC. Slipped. thx b3 ignored last, take whats yours. 5 years. X Feigenbahms. fuckin AY down to quarks.
I regulate. I run errands at time zero. The Rough Beast shows no mercy. Biota shows no mercy. I dig in through the basement and cut his Achilles. He puts me into coronary arrest with his weird brew that brings slipping to a halt. I medicate the regulate.
I hold off the technoid at arms length. In meditation we stare eye to eye. We enter each other. One simulation. On locus of effect. I leave the locus of phenotypic effect - the collapse of the wave equation merges - dissolving the suchness of the two. There is no wall. There is not wall. .not.not.not.not.not all is an inverter with buffering. (.not.)**2 =c informs. information. output. The output of the simulation on the Omega Machine, the Macintosh at the end of time. Regulators, Agents, Insecta, Whales and Navigators.
The whales define, in the limit, Dream Now. Agents, mostly dolphins with technoids down-shift holons to Regulators. Regulators hold Insecta in stasis. I regulate.
When I speak to B3asT we follow form. I ask and he answers. I demand and he negotiates with Rough Beast.
Slipping, the successive advance or retreat through 4d space-time must bring a meat puppet along by maintaining my cool. The cool of all regulators in networks of networks down to quarks entangled in biota in homeostasis; an ensemble of dispositions choosing with all biota what happens next.
The biota locus of phenotypic effect is that movement which keeps consilience in maximally fit homeostatic output. I am the output of the universe. I change state on a time base of circadian rhythm. Sol and the solar system produces a local constant; a locus of time approaching time zero from each boundary in the limit 1/infinity toward a central point. Many loci become an ensemble of dispositions. The locus of biota.
of' the LPE.
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