The Dream Now predicts the next scene in the movie, the next verse of the song, sunset at sunrise and future collapse of a wave function. Where you end up depends on where you start if you start at a bifurcation point on the logistics map.
'How are you' is followed by 'doing' predictably but not certainly the next word. This is fourth level Shannon Entropy.
Memory exists for the future. Improving Shannon Entropy (which actually sounds like extropy...)
"The past and future may seem like different worlds, yet the two are intimately intertwined in our minds. In recent studies on mental time travel, neuroscientists found that we use many of the same regions of the brain to remember the past as we do to envision our future lives. In fact, our need for foresight may explain why we can form memories in the first place. They are indeed “a base to build the future.” And together, our senses of past and future may be crucial to our species’ success." - Carl Zimmer,
As the tenure of a specious moment decreases in the limit to zero, the information density increases. The collapse of future state ensemble of probability functions must account for more and more transitions over less and less time. When the tiger gets within inches of your face you cannot slow down the river of time sufficient for safety. More information density doesn't exist in human consciousness unless 'faster than tiger' technology appears. The information content of a tiger gun is a force multiplier.
But Dream Now describes an envelope of time around time zero specious moment. The old past and the distant future are equally shot through with tatters. Cognitive manipulation that eases discord within the impermanent self 'momentarily' lasts for all time [sic]. Memories of the past and the future are maleable to the breaking point.

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