"Sure, sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch are the big ones. But we have many other ways of sensing the world and our place in it. Proprioception is a sense of how our bodies are positioned. Nociception is a sense of pain. We also have a sense of balance—the inner ear is to this sense as the eye is to vision—as well as a sense of body temperature, acceleration and the passage of time" Smithsonian
The rich tapestry of perception is woven and unwoven every 100 milliseconds (0.001 seconds) by the ensemble of sensations I swim in. Inclinations from previous perceptions become null behaviors in light of updated evaluations of the cosmic environment of the now - the specious moment. This interval of times is book ended by what just happened and what happens next. The sensorium travels 'out in front' of each interval's ensemble of perceptions that form the life of the mind.
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