Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Z now

Z now
The Z now contains all things, all volition, all action, all speech, all thought, all being. Z is my position in the complex plane. I am at an instant Time = 0. I am at a place in the Mandelbrot Set - Z natural. I become Z next. The absolutely, optimally fit ensemble of dispositions.

The procession of all instances of Z over time and space is the Mandelbrot Set. Znext = (Znow)^2 + C. At any present interval - a unified or holistic specious present - will to power emerges. The motivation of the will or the intent is caring, the fruit of caring is action, livelihood and speech. Z is the ground of all being.

The Dream Now radiates from Z natural and I try to stay on this carrier frequency. The frequency of the Imagination Laser. The collective Dream Now of 7B mortal souls of the world-wide Leviathan. The zeitgeist of Spiritus Mundi.

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