Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Zeus Has a Plan for Me

The fractal nature of reality demonstrates that a prior state plus initial conditions result in the next state. This is true for snow flakes, the internet and me. An anthropomorphic assumption of agency -- my own agency or the agency of Zeus -- is true in such a limited and narrow sense that any notion that Zeus has a plan for me becomes trite to the point of comedy.

Notice the fractal form here. This is the result of math embodied in the information content of DNA. Over time, molecule by molecule the shell is accreted according to a present state before the molecule is added informed by the conditions in the next interval of time. There is not a watchmaker.. there are sentients driven by thousands of tiny robots.

Here is how minds in brains and sea shells work. At each bounded interval of time the shell or the mind does something based on the just completed 'last interval' of time before the 'current interval' is worked on. Subsequently, the 'next interval' of time depends upon the 'current interval' and the impact of the environment. In this tableau, the 'current interval' transitions from last interval to next interval by passing through the current interval (the now, the specious present) while acted upon by the environment.

In a continuous series our impermanent self is updated by the actions in the last interval. We collectively react to the current interval with cultural and societal constraints on our behavior. Our surprising lack of free will is countered by our persistent delusion that somewhere, somehow WE have agency. Actually any response to the environment that conjures up a magical agent that also becomes involved in our doings overrides our agency or at least constrains it to the extent that both poetic and prosaic free will is cancelled.

But that is unsupported by reason or evidence. Znext = Znow^2 +c. It's not just a good idea; it's the law.

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