Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Circuit VII: Metaprograming Dual Strategies

Imma dive right into Prometheus Rising on the metaprogramming circuit, one of eight layers or circuits comprising minds.

I am juggling several reality tunnels, trying each on for size and sticking with it zealously until the accumulated weight of error brings it crashing down. The advantage of holding a view come hell or high water is that it seeds the voracious accumulation of information. I am really paying attention to input and constantly seeking new sources of related facts. I depend on other experts to  make the connections between facts because there is nothing more useless than a bare fact, devoid of context.

In case I lost you, I have several competing product strategies to choose from and I am working on two broad descriptions of each. The first approach is hardware specialization and the second approach is hardware generalization. So I live in a world for an interval of time where specialization wins big in the market. I look for sticky facts -- details that attach themselves like charged particles to my hypothesis -- and run intuitive Bayesian inference to see if my new connection is a good thing, a bad thing or neutral to the question.

The difficulty I have is that I want to preserve the most antifragile choice. But all this is in the mix while I construct my reality tunnel of the moment. The meta^2 conduct of writing this down. The meta^3 is constructing a reality where a reader responds and I know that I have programmed another mind to form a network of minds working on the problem.

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