Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Looking the Rough Beast Eye to Eye

My probable futures hold a large cohort of my time zero wholly or completely within the Technium. I am Rough Beast in many possible near universes. I am a rational choser; the Regulator. The illusion of choice is a myth I will tell now.

A Myth I just made up.
When Zarathustra descends from the mountain, he is full of compassion for us all but he must yield to the voice of the crowd. This crowd that might want a rope around his neck.

Authority pushes against compassion. A slave owning man points to vague, long rebuked notions on many subjects. A subject upon which he was spectacularly delusional was the supposed support his ignorant persuasions about the authority granted him to trade animals that looked an awful bit like regular people. These supposed animals read and even wrote books that came from intelligent white forgers most likely

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