Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Monday, January 09, 2012

Windmills are the baby harp seals

My comment to this article in
"Windmills are the baby harp seals of lowing our carbon footprint. To compare with photo-voltaics. Wind mills do not have a Moore's Law that matches the Moore's law of semiconductors. In fact, the small percentage potential for improvement in windmill technology represents the law of diminishing returns - we simply cannot improve air foils, frictionless bearing, the cost of more grid, etc. Every factor that leads to improved efficiency in windmills is saturated and flat over a very, very long period of time. In 12 years when today's windmills are replaced - the replacements will cost more and have very little improvement for the increased cost. Even the learning curve on windmills is worse. The learning curve is baked into Moore's law but this is anticipates the 'you didn't consider X in your calculations' -- see the confirmation bias at work in the reality deniers who have and will post objections. I did consider X, I just ran out of time and space.

Again. Photovoltaics = Carbon footprint WIN. Windmills = not so much

Nuclear is a much better option as well."

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