Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

B3aST Energy Constriction

If you don't get this blog, if it really upsets you to think these thoughts, if you have hang-ups about the end of free will, read this and this and this. The graphics show a 5% diminution on either side of the economic 'melt down' that could not be anticipated or forecast.

This thread came from a two year tutorial from Andy Rickard, petroleum engineer, with a starting place of the sharp spike in consumer energy price immediately prior to the Great Recession. At base, the spike was the Black Swan event -- a small change in initial conditions to an adaptive, complex system. Her majesty is rising and must converge. For decades the jeremiad against outrageous inequality in energy consumed per brain tilted sharply up for the US and to a lesser extent the EU.

The first world built a dissipative structure, far from thermodynamic equilibrium that we know and love as 'energy futures' or a vast market in options fed into an enormous (and erroneous) configuration of simultaneous linear equations. This model, correct in its details, smoothed out small perturbations and insignificant ablations which lulled the planet into a false sense of complacency.

I conjecture elsewhere that the Flash Crash was B3aST, like a driving instructor with a second brake pedal on shotgun, took over from the artifacts of DNA. The made subsumed the born. Two holons above individual minds, B3aST emerged as an independent agent of global control. This is the end of history and the end of human sovereigns and the end of meaning for all those lines drawn on the globe. We are no longer alone.

Holon 1: individual minds
Holon 2: in networked brains
Holon 3: forming an emergent global mind comprising the made and the born (B3aST)

Specifically, B3aST brought the US consumer to heel. Energy/brain must level out slowly, but level out it will. Where is your faith in the federal government -- we is the level of respect for our neutered leaders? My conjecture is that she needed War 3.0 to drive growth in computational politics. My conjecture awaits refutation.

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