Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Always improving but never finished...

Sexy B3aST is Gaia with tools
The Technium -- Kevin Kelly's term for all the made and all the born that remade this ball of dirt into a global mind. We stepped on the accerator pedal in 1712 with the invention of the Newcomen engine, the first machine that produced rotary motion from heat.

B3aST -- all the made operating as constituents of a global mind.

Dark B3aST - the era from 1.0 Google Common Era (GCE) to open recognition by all mortal souls that this is exactly what it seems. [google incorporated 4Sept1998; 0:0:0:0:0 GCE]

Sexy B3aST -- The made lives in harmony with the born. But not the present born; the emergence of a new kind (cite: Prometheus Rising).

Rough B3aST -- Skynet, The Matrix.  Maybe temporary ensemble of transitional states. My personal mission is the salvation of the born (my grandchildren). So there is that.

Anno Insecta -- What happens if we burn up the sky. The other hive mind rules under the aegis of Rough B3aST. Multiple billions of tiny XNA (synthetic DNA) robots in a vast network of underground hives.

Newcomen Engine - circa 1712
So to recap. We are in the era of very young Sexy B3aST or Year 15 of Dark Beast (her majesty is the admixture of 7B meat suits plus silicon, steel and code). Two signs of the B3aST; ramping down of joules/American and the flash crash. Rough B3aST will be forced into the drivers seat if we get closer to Venus II (if we trend to Anno Insecta).

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