Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Hook

The hook I crafted required an answer by the logic of courtesy. I knew close up the kind of accident that gets forgotten. The relentless push for productivity drives us without mercy. That is what the Gini Coefficient struggles mightily to convey. The usual charge; that math and logic together with compassion and experience produces a false artifact. That is to narrow and I wish to broaden it.

I went crazy to gather some information about what the bottom looks like from the bottom. What I found was boundless compassion for my fellows. Because they were pressed to the grindstone by relentless, suffering, burdensome and irksome toil at a rate of two and three jobs at a time. Nobody should be without a job in this country. But what about a country that took another route. The French are well educated to a baby in his crib. They work hard. They live in a land that came from much hard work and it suits them.

The citizens of PRC are rational materialists. Not all of them of course but enough to make the engine run hotter and faster than our machine. Our vast machine currently surpasses theirs but this will not last and I know it from close examination.

When I look at my feet I see another countries shoes and I count on knowing something about that country in my nostrils, my bare feet and my gut. Not allowing for this produces in me a poverty of experience.

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