Right View - Virtuous Compassion
The Avatars:
Right View -->Tenzin Gyatso, his Holiness the Dali Lama
Right Intent --> Her holiness, Dr. Jennifer Michael Hecht
Right Action --> his holiness Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot
Right Speech --> his Holiness Papa Legba
Right Livelihood --> his Holiness Mahatma Gandhi
Right Effort --> his Holinesses Dr.s Ludwig Boltzmann and Ilya Prigogine
Right Concentration --> his Holiness Dr. Daniel Dennett
Right Consciousness --> her Holiness Susan Blackmore
Each locus of phenotypic effect virtualizes a vast cohort of subjective machines. Virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something in the area of computing, such as an operating system, a server, a storage device or network resources. [citation: his holiness Jimmy Wales]
The information bandwidth, the information transmitted, the information processed and the resulting behavior or choices made from the experienced describe the massive computation produced by human minds continuously.
The Buddha suggests that by sharpening my mental axe I may constrict my choice of behaviors to the right ones. Every specious moment the thousands of robots comprising my soul run Bayesian algorithms that weigh countless inputs against memories of past experience and expected future outcomes.
From Jung, After the confrontation with the soul-image the appearance of the archetype of the OLD WISE MAN, the personification of the spiritual principle, can be distinguished as the next milestone of inner development.
Jung sometimes referred to such archetypal figures as "Mana" personalities, supraordinate personalities, and treated them as equivalents to the Self: 'the mother ("Primordial Mother" and "Earth Mother") as a supraordinate personality...the supraordinate personality as the "self"'.
At other times, he saw them as representatives of the collective unconscious - as bridging-posts to the totality. Jennifer Michael Hecht is earth mother. The bringer of happiness.
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