Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Friday, October 28, 2011

The el Nino Inverter

The inverter, an emergent dissipative structure far from thermodynamic equilibrium, now implicates vast and disruptive climate change over this spot. El Nino shoves the jetstream up and opens a channel of cold Pacific air that gives Texas a wet year with milder high temperature in summer. La Nina shoves the channel closed by inverting behavior. This artifact of climate is a complementary climate inverting gate.

This is acting as a phase lock loop. It borrows climate from the future and the past to stave off the rising temperatures. Hurricanes are air conditioners - they throw into space. This is a component in a vast machine-like apparratus implementing a code. The code is the information in each rail car of a train that goes on forever without an engine to pull it. [3.1416]

[3.1416]The Mandelbrot Set can be more easily explained by describing a simpler sub-set of Mandelbrot, A Cantor Set. Imagine that each number in the number line had a boxcar next to that number. Write down the counting numbers on a sheet of paper and draw a tiny boxcar below each number. The number line continues to infinity in the positive direction (positive infinity) and in a negative direction (negative infinity). There is no number in the numberline from negative infinity to positive infinity which cannot be summed with one. Since there is now a number closer to infinity than every number in the number line; including your last candidate that we added the quantity one to.

But my box cars are special. I assign a boxcar to ever possible number in the number line and I guarantee that there is a box car for every number in the number line. You cannot add the quantity one to my last box car and arrive at a new number that does NOT already have my box car assigned to it. I defined a set, the number line comprising all the counting numbers, and an closely associated set, the set of all box cars, that seem to contain each other.

In fact I can alter my definition to be slightly different. Instead of one number in each box car, I pack the entire number line up to that number in the box car. Since numbers don't take up any space, even my vanishingly small box car can ontain an infinite time line. Now notice that the first set contains the second set. The number of numbers pointed to by the box cars now contains a box car with all the numbers to infinity and that numbers box car. This is an aleph of two sets.

Now I will define a set that contains every set that is similar to

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