Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's About Time

post on Reddit

The four dimensions out of the 11 dimensions that we find interesting or that rise to consciousness are three dimensions of space and a dimension of time. We don't think "what is length made of" or "what is width made of" but we do ponder 'what is time made of'.

The fact is that we measure and sense INTERVALS of X,Y,Z and Time. The intervals of time, seconds, minutes, hours,..., life span are encountered by our cells at one second per second - that is the rate of time travel dictated by the arrow of time or the direction off increasing entropy. As the Buddha says "What higher being makes the grass green" (that would be me sensing the green-ness and the grass-ness). How fast does the past or the future happen in memory?

My intuition is that past and future time are 'tenseless'. But my present moment is also tenseless. The mind experiences time at one second per second because everyone around me is looking at the clock on the wall and we all concur that the second hand moves at a constant rate. That is by convention. Before the railroad set schedules for moderns, we have no motivation for imagining that everyone every where was on the same clock.

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