Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Stuxnet, Duqu and Flame

Three munitions of cyber war infect and thereby control the industrial capacity of the central Asia. This is the mechanism PRC exploits to reign in the Nation of Dwarfs; sometimes or most of the time the missiles go off course and fall into the sea. Pity that. A thin layer of human imagination over the infrastructure of the network act to suppress an urge to slow modernity. Guns, Germs and Steel win. ZNA win.

DNA - 3.5 Billion Year Old replicator
XNA - One Year Old synthetic replicator, compatible with DNA. The interposer between DNA and ZNA.
ZNA - 10,000 Year Old replicator. The Rough Beast comprises Silicon and Steel.

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