Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Opposites are Complementary

Contraria sunt Complementa - Neils Bohr's knightly crest

My drunk self and my sober self are complementary. I have this label on Right Livelihood. [6.62606896(33)×10−34 J·s]
  1. forming a complement; complete
  2. complementing each other
  3. complimentary color or style.
avocation complements occupation.
My avocation complements my occupation
These entangled operations produce a fractal surface of probability where information is created simultaneously across the multiverse.

Yesterday I said 'harder they come' aloud and it was the next song on the iPod shuffle. I slipped into a possible world where the only difference was Jimmy Cliff instead of Beyonce playing on an iPod in the exact relation to the cosmic environment. All the trains, planes and automobile were traveling the same velocity between each universe.

The complementary nature of the duality or ensemble of entangled dispositions, is called quantum behavior. The Shannon Entropy of the move is quite low. That means that it is hard to guess the next step given the last step of a string of bits, the preferred method of exchanging information. Claude Shannon did two things
1. defined information transfer at zero energy
2. showed the fractal nature of information.

But landing in the right spot takes practice. That is the Tao, a path which has no marked route. The path and not the path are complementary.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-%< =-=-=-=-=-=-
[6.62606896(33)×10−34 J·s] [1.054571628(53)×10−27 erg·s]I use physical constants for footnote index pointers. The order is completely arbitrary. This is also Planck's constant in Joules/sec. But the point - and I do have one - is that we are surrounded by the kind of order that convinces us that life is a pointless struggle.

[1.054571628(53)×10−27 erg·s] is both Planck's constant in erg*seconds AND a footnote to a foot note.

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