Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Three Empires: 3. The Aztec Century

When conquered by Cortez, the northern boundary of the Aztec civilization stretched to our US border states. Under the Spanish, the northern border of the Aztec people stretched to a northern border that ran from San Antonio to San Francisco.

Most of the northern third of the Aztec empire was annexed by the manifest destiny of the United States by 1860. But taking the view that there are few, if any geophysical barriers to population diffusion, the manifest destiny of Teotihuacan, the triumph of the Southern Eagle over the North eagle inevitably triumphs by 2050. From this vantage point, the Aztec empire ruled by Teotihuacan with the consensus of the the Empire ruled by Washington, steadily displaces the former majority admixture of Western Eurasians and West Africans.

The fact that Mexican Americans vote in low percentages is offset by the phenomenal fecundity of Westernized Aztecs. I can now buy the raw material for tamales from any grocery store in Austin. In 1980 there was one local grocery on East 7th that could claim that.


When I drove through the Rio Grande Valley in 1975 I could not read many of the billboards and menus. Now there are whole neighborhoods in Austin that look like the Valley did in 1975. Western Eurasians had never really taken San Antonio from the Southern Empire and that was my first bit of evidence for my conjecture.

Viva la Raza
Viva la Revolution
Viva los Indios

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