Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

2 pounds of tender, bone-in Faith

Let's say for argument that faith is that package of chicken thighs I bought at HEB on Tuesday. Here is what I know about faith.

Faith is eternal because HEB chickens are eternal. I know this because every time I shop for chicken thighs at HEB there are chicken thighs for sale. Occasionally HEB will test my faith by not having my faith in stock. In such cases I prey for renewed faith - I ask the butcher for faith through Grace (the butcher's name) and in most cases my faith is restored.

My faith promises me satisfaction - and it delivers! My faith furnishes me with hope - more delicious meals than without faith. What is your brand of faith? Mine is better because some HEB stores are open 24 hours.

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