Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Letter to Fallows: Texas Lightbulbs Redux

Nothing comes from one particular place anymore. Everything comes from everywhere now. I can focus on the proximal location of what caused my light bulb to come to me but I am really just focused on the last robot or human that touched my light bulb. My light bulb came on a boat and a truck that came from everywhere. My light bulb is offered for sale in a Walmart that came from everywhere. I buy the light bulb with money that comes from everywhere. I light up my kitchen table that came from everywhere. Even if I made my own light bulb, the the chain of custody of the electrons from the generating fuel to the power lines - comes from everywhere. The world is everywhere.

sbo finacially sane p
kirk holden

fromJames Fallows
toKirk Holden
dateMon, Jul 18, 2011 at 11:06 PM
subjectRe: Airplanes and Lightbulbs

Yes indeed. Will follow up.

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