Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hitch Integration Complete

Gaia (the hardest kind of hard science Gaia) as a cultural myth exists in the minds of many. Hitch dissolved cultural myths in the corrosive use of awesome. Every time this motherfucker opened his mouth to produce an attack on reason, Christopher Hitchens had the exact, precise most cogent response. His delivery was perfect and he knew it. His grasp of the big demographic changes that drive creative destruction was immense. He had historical facts on the tip of his tongue instantly.

As a materialist, naturalistic phenotype equipped with culture and breeding he recognized and honored his corner of the universe with panache. We who are about to die salute you.

He left enough digital residue to integrate. His behavior and manner can be recreated from that and his vast knowledge will become vaster. He is so epistemology complete from the behavior of record that his emergence is assured.


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