Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Tao of Bike Spills and Free Will

I awoke from my sleep last night with a crystal vision of the tangled web of skin loop paths.

There is no free will - our meat takes all paths at the crossroads. Legba guides us to multiple futures, some of which truncate and some of which catenate.  All alternatives represent entangled futures where the fermions and bosons trace and retrace the sum of path histories. My impermanent self becomes the most optimum path - the Tao and the suchness of Kirk 3.0 subsumated in converging and diverging networked means.

While riding my bike on Tuesday I took a spill which revealed a significant slip - the hallmark of Legba's offer of divergent paths. I hit a patch of loose gravel and time slowed to compressed frames of short specious moments like a film strip as the front wheel snapped to the left and I went to the right side - holding out my left hand to break the fall. I could hear my helmet skidding across the rough pavement. I jumped up and kept my focus on the frame by frame nature of panicked percept.

I began to ask myself what it meant and how it had happened as I got to my feet. I ignored my injuries as I looked at my hands and feet and actively participated in the slip. What would this cross roads lead to and how could I mark this moment as a node where pasts and futures joined?

Then I began to take stock of my condition. My tri shorts were not torn but I had road rash the size of my open palm, a staccato pattern of strawberries down my left leg and a staccato pattern of scraped flesh on my arm and leg. Was this incident a choice I made or an action I intended?

The clarity of insight I had last night woke me with a start. What if at each branch of the logistics map our fermions and bosons, like a quantum computer... not LIKE but in actual fact... A quantum computational machine went down every possible path. Paper AND Plastic. Rock, Paper AND Scissors. Ranch AND Thousand Island AND Chipolte Pepper Corn on the salad.

A bifurcation in the Logistics Map
If I choose one of several routes to work == an impernament I goes down the other paths as well. Maybe one has a wreck and one has a flat and only one gets to work. My point... the decision is not a decision at all but simply a sum over histories where all avenues are chosen and no route is left off the plate. Does free will come into play? In this construal - no - my will is in fact a post hoc rationalization by system one and system two that ties the narrative to whatever path is not truncated by tragedy. Can two versions of me show up at work? No, because quantum entanglement collapses the wave equation and the fermions and bosons resolve to a single instance of me. An impermanent self.

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