Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Initial Conditions

Chaotic and Complex systems are extremely sensitive to initial conditions. That is, systems with non-linear feed-back loops occasionally enter a state or condition where very slight changes in a state variable can leverage vast movements in state space to another mode of existence. These variables are strange attractors.

Lorenze Butterfly - two worlds connected by a strange attractor
According to the Many Worlds model supposes conditions poised to bifurcate toward two plausible futures. Illustrating the simple case, I flip a coin to decide whether to drink my coffee black or with cream and sugar. This seemingly trivial decision creates two possible next states. In the current world of a many worlds tableau I flip a coin and two worlds appear; one with heads and the other with tails showing. Heads means no cream and sugar which shaves 120 seconds off my trip to work. Tails means I spend 120 seconds finding the cream and the sugar and adding them to my cup. The difference of 120 seconds puts my car in heavier traffic and this adds 1000 seconds to my commute for an elapsed time difference of 1120 seconds for my arrival time at work.

An airplane on approach to the airport near my office crashes into my office and kills me if I don't loose the 1120 seconds while I arrive to see the flames rising if I chewed up the time on my commute. The cream and sugar is a strange attractor -- a very small change in an initial condition delivered vastly different outcomes. The coin flip created two disparate worlds; one where I died or ended up in the hospital and the other where I did not suffer a loss. I have become Schrodinger's cat -- I am both dead and alive because of the collapse of the wave equation.

What I believe but cannot prove is a connection between these many worlds. Reprogramming the quantum non-local circuit yields observability past the point of bifurcation -- I can perceive or experience both sides of a choice and 'back out' of the choice with the worse outcome.

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