Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Friday, May 18, 2012


Without Google Login

There is polished ego for me when Blogger Kirk Holden doesn't scroll off the first page. I get different results between searches when I'm logged in than when I'm logged out of my Google account. The network knows me. I am integrated into the network.

Not in a spooky way -- just that when my access interface; facebook, G+, LinkedIn,..., Reddit and and the rest has more salient information pertaining to me, specifically Kirk 3.1416, the easier my life is. Not my network life. My biological life is measurably and quantifiably better off if I am fully enmeshed in my two avatars in the other part of my life in the matrix. It's like the movie and also not like the movie.

Each form of animal life from amoeba to primate has a response policy toward the cosmic environment. Some sentient organisms have simple push-pull and in-out binary responses. Others emit complex behavior on fantastically superior minds in phenomenally fit bodies. Hominids, or the domesticated ape, behave as collective societies bound by culture, geography and other particular forces that deliver us from harm. Each of the layers of civilization narrows our options on how to behave by reinforcing cultural norms.

I have a response policy for most occasions you might encounter in the course of a life. I can look at my purpose in life from a narrow perspective to gauge the extent that this chosen perspective benefits my chosen self with the most gain for the least effort. I am specifically claiming that I can take a particular stance 'holding everything else equal' and debug and reverse engineer my behavior 'as if' my choices and decisions were enabled by a response emitted from a particular disposition of mind -- a richly intuitive engine of imagination.

I enjoy taking the engineering stance. I love the fatherly stance. I often stand in the triathlete stance. Each of these self-reflective points of view represent an ensemble of dispositions cooperating to help me guess what happens next.

When I am logged into my Google login I am taking the rjvg50 stance. I see the interior world of the network and the exterior world of the authentic, big, old universe. There are two versions of Kirk3.1416 a) M3aT and B3aST. M3aT is the living brain-body and the embedded mind. 200,000 years ago we were mostly M3aT with little B3aST except the crude stone axes and roughly sewn hide garments of the first generation of Homo Sapiens. If you have a Google login and a facebook page you are almost equal parts M3aT and B3aST. Or maybe we are not quite that far integrated into the matrix. But on a sliding scale we are very much farther toward B3aST every passing day. The rate of change has quickened considerably in the last 60 minutes.

Without invoking trans-humanism or The Singularity Hypothesis, there are vast amounts of off-loaded cognition in the matrix or The Technium. Life is sweet with a Google login.

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