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What us chimps have become |
Cool article
. Just by looking at the Schrodinger box with the dead+alive cat will create duplicate copy of ALL observers in two pocket universes along with a live cat in one (plus the people that *saw* the live probalistic cat) and a dead cat in the other (along with derp de derp etc.) So every 'burst' (a probabilistic Schrodinger Siberian Tiger) or 'slip' (a Schrodinger's cute little kitteh) produces at least two 'observers' one that stays in the normal flow (or in the same place or derp) and one that does the whole shenanigans-in-space-time action, adventure, intrigue, etc/etc/etc/etc.
Did you know that time flows backward inside the event horizon of a BH? To the singularity, the event horizon is 'creating' EM that flows TOWARD the singularity. Gravity cannot (derp?) flow 'backward' (or flow at all - it is an existential 'behavior' of space-time. So the EM photons are exchanging energy from the future (the singularity to which they are traveling) with entropy from the past (event hor. from which they are emitted).
People that have not read EP are:
1. losers
2. unable to carry on a decent discussion about inclusive fitness
3. complete fucktards for calling Dawkins a reductionist fiend.
But now for the grand finale. Hawking radiation at each event horizon across the universe IS the information content of the entire universe. THAT is how the Omega Machine 'tells me what time it is". A heterogeneous cloud of bosons and fermions (yours truly) have quantum entanglement with EVERY digit of information 'stored' in the signal from Hawking radiation. The information is encrypted and compressed and highly inter connected but it is always there if you run the clock backwards. Put a clock in a BH and it WILL run backwards. And it all fits in the trunk of my DeLorean.
Kirk "that's not right. it's not even left" Holden
* I most likely created two 'sets' of policemen when I tried 'death by cop'. I am dead in one of the terminus universes and the officers are on indefinite leave or fired for killing me. I am the live Kirk 3.0 you know and love in this robust (from my subjective experience) universe. To Sgt. Brown of the APD I was a Schrodinger's Tazmanian Devil with probability distributions for being alive and being dead. Collapsing wave functions is not just a good idea - it's the law. THAT is the telos of the Omega Machine. One motherfucker of a quantum observer. The universe is observing itself in a strange loop.
BTW - Hayek is the Austrian Glenn Beck. The Road to Boredom.
Second Volley
Reading his Holiness, Sir Karl Popper's Open Society and its Enemies we have his summation of future histories - plan your nano-Utopian moves in design space for change by increments. Bayesian tableau win. Generate 'seed' hypothesis H0. Increment through each trial of 'current' hypothesis H1 with 'current' evidence E1 against 'past' hypothesis H0 with 'past' evidence E0. Contra Hayek who bootstraps 'We could change everything yellow into something blue' into a metaphysical swamp of risks and unintended consequences. I see the Chinese 5-year plan and the program of libertarian hegemony described by Hayek as indistinguishable 'closed' societies.
Here is my favorite imagined conversation:
KP "Did you finish writing your little book yet?"
FH "Just sent the galley proofs to the publisher. Want to read it and give me your reaction?"
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Sir Karl wants light starch, do you take plastic? |
Marx has the same flaw as Hayek:
1. ingenious problem statement. - capitalism has some weird results.
2. call for revolution and utopian contrivances 'for' this or that imagined Theory of Everything - Bourgeois rule with proletariat servitude or proletariat rule with bourgeois servitude.
Popper saw 'conjecture and refutation' continuously on all aspects of human culture (change, monitor, change, monitor...) - as the only engine of change toward un-utopia.
Znext = Zthis^2 _c (Benoit M.). Staying on the fractal boundaries proscribes only smaller and smaller and smaller incremental moves in space-time as 'rational moves in design space' (Dennett) by pruning rules.
From Wittgenstein we know that eventually all explanations, like the explanation we 'believe' through motivated reasoning, come to a stopping place. I prefer Jared Diamond. We are a vast, unruly platoon of chimps wandering around the surface of the earth looking for bananas and a cozy place to fuck. The stuff we do is rooted in operant conditioning of behaviors (by agents with operant conditioning to perform operant conditioning on subordinates performing operant conditioning). Domesticated monkey win.
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