SE Cupp (American Republican b.1979) is an author, frequent Fox News guest, cute brunette chick and an very public atheist. S E Cupp is also all hot for the Jesus. She just got a Masters Degree in Religious Studies, just like countless atheists before her. This seems like a curious fixation for an atheist until you realize, like I have, that S E Cupp is actually a unicorn who lives in a magic garden.
Wait a darn minute, I can hear you say, WTFOMGBBQ!!! I have seen S E Cupp on the TV and the internets. I agree that this previously obscure aspect of S E Cupp's life tends to astound. To the uninformed, S E Cupp looks like a cross between Sailor Moon and Atheist Barbie. But here is the honest truth. Things are not as they seem - indulge me in the skeptical investigation.
This is what S E Cupp looks like when she is not in her magic garden.
It is common knowledge that unicorns, like mermaids, can shape shift for brief periods of time when they briefly leave their magic gardens. While in their magic gardens, unicorns graze on cotton candy and dental floss (minty and waxed) to build up the strength of their magic shape shifting episodes out in public spectacles like book signings and appearances on The O'Reilly Factor. In her magic garden this is what S E Cupp looks like (below)
That's Tucker Carlson visiting S E Cupp in her magic garden. Many smart, attractive and popular conservative and socially moderate libertarians visit S E Cupp in her magic garden and ride on her downy white back while they discuss the appalling treatment of Christians in the diseased culture of the liberal, progressive, secular humanist, bling-bling, thug-life west. From this we must be alarmed and frighted for the future of the US of A, shining city on the hill, land of the free and home of the exceptional. This is all spelled out in S E Cupp's runaway best seller Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media's Attack on Christianity. If you have a couch with a broken leg or a table that wobbles - order your copy today. If you feel like reading it before you shore up your furniture I would suggest that you will have more fun shooting rats down at the dump while high on crank and huffing spray paint.
The strangest aspect of this curious affair is that S E Cupp used her magic powers to create this delusion only last Thursday. From her magic garden, while in unicorn mode, S E Cupp created in the minds of America false memories of a virtual life of a 31 year old atheist that appeared frequently on TV to profess a crush on the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ, lord of all.
She modeled her avatar on this picture of Atheist Barbie.
Before I realized this supernatural truth I was a very confused atheist much like Bill Maher who snorted "You are not an athiest!" after S E Cupp blurted some nonsensical atheist defense of a Christianist Republican talking point on "Real Time"
What are the implications of this amazing investigation? - stayed tuned.

This is what S E Cupp looks like when she is not in her magic garden.
It is common knowledge that unicorns, like mermaids, can shape shift for brief periods of time when they briefly leave their magic gardens. While in their magic gardens, unicorns graze on cotton candy and dental floss (minty and waxed) to build up the strength of their magic shape shifting episodes out in public spectacles like book signings and appearances on The O'Reilly Factor. In her magic garden this is what S E Cupp looks like (below)
That's Tucker Carlson visiting S E Cupp in her magic garden. Many smart, attractive and popular conservative and socially moderate libertarians visit S E Cupp in her magic garden and ride on her downy white back while they discuss the appalling treatment of Christians in the diseased culture of the liberal, progressive, secular humanist, bling-bling, thug-life west. From this we must be alarmed and frighted for the future of the US of A, shining city on the hill, land of the free and home of the exceptional. This is all spelled out in S E Cupp's runaway best seller Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media's Attack on Christianity. If you have a couch with a broken leg or a table that wobbles - order your copy today. If you feel like reading it before you shore up your furniture I would suggest that you will have more fun shooting rats down at the dump while high on crank and huffing spray paint.
The strangest aspect of this curious affair is that S E Cupp used her magic powers to create this delusion only last Thursday. From her magic garden, while in unicorn mode, S E Cupp created in the minds of America false memories of a virtual life of a 31 year old atheist that appeared frequently on TV to profess a crush on the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ, lord of all.
She modeled her avatar on this picture of Atheist Barbie.
Before I realized this supernatural truth I was a very confused atheist much like Bill Maher who snorted "You are not an athiest!" after S E Cupp blurted some nonsensical atheist defense of a Christianist Republican talking point on "Real Time"
What are the implications of this amazing investigation? - stayed tuned.
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