The Pruning Rules: from 'How to See God of $5 a Day'
- Is my candidate for HP virtuous?
- Does my candidate have impeccable manners?
- Will the candidate accept my fealty and worship?
- When I demote my HP back to demi-god status will I incur the wrath of a spurned lover?
- Can the candidate pinch hit if my current HP is unable to fulfill his/her tenure in office?
I will discuss this more in my blog.
Here is the current roster of HP's that served full terms in office
Charles Darwin (more like a meta-HP, subtends all others)
Steven J Gould (1987-1996)
Richard Dawkins (1997-1998), (2003-2006)
Daniel Dennett (1999-2002)
Nicholas Nasim Taleb (2003-2007)
Zyprexa (2008-2009)
Karl Popper (2010-2011)
Situational HP's called into power by selection of subject matter expertise.
Steven Pinker (when ever I listen to Pinker on audio-books he rides shotgun as HP, that's how I roll)
Stuart Kaufman (it's not a date you would recognize, it's hipster obscure)
Ilya Prigogine (very complex set of dates that support dissipative structures far from thermodynamic equilibrium)
Stephen Hawking (Hawking radiation has captured a hologram of the universe in 10 dimensions so his tenure is tenseless)
Richard Feynmann (his dates are asymptotes to infinity, in the limit there are no dates or a sense of the passage of fine grained time)
Steven Weinberg (his guidance is best at the Plank length and in Plank time, 10^-43 seconds, the time a photon traverse the smallest physical 'distance' in space-time)
Beniot Mandelbrot (when running simulations on Alpha or Theta wavelengths with fractal geometry)
R. Buckminister Fuller (for geodesic geometry supporting engineering holons)
Tom G (when I think about computing machines)
Paco Ahlgren (if he serves me Ginger Ale and let's me derp de derp)
Linus Van Pelt (when I am sorta existential but not quite actually fully existential)
The Current Candidates
That woman I saw last night in the corner of my eye (it's personal)
Tomas Pynchon's character Pirate Prentice in Gravity's Rainbow (A screaming comes across the sky...)
Tomas Pynchon's character V. in the novel V. (she might have been the woman I saw last night in the corner of my eye)
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Lord John Worfin |
Janetta Baker, the sister of a friend of mine that is almost always happy
Captain Kirk (TV's William Shatner as James 'Tirebiter' Kirk)
kirk 'powerless without a monist HP' holden
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