Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Thursday, June 02, 2011

B3aST. Anno Insecta

Little Pooter, my grandchild
The year the ants take command from humans as biological interface for the Rough Beast of the technium. All B3aST needs is collective consciousness, bats would work too. My motivated reasoning and cognitive bias towards humans hopes that at least we serve other mammals until the last of us fade away from a collective consciousness imbued with sufficient imagination 'for' the Rough Beast. (we shall always exist in our skin loops, no one can take that away)

After the atmosphere goes totally Venus on us the only place left is the subterranean honey caves. I for one welcome our new insect overlords. They may keep a few of us for pets. Ants and bees dump less shit in the ocean, the air and the ground. It's an upgrade. Or maybe a school of Buffalo Carp?

BTW at this point on the timeline "I" will not longer be an artifact of DNA but instead simulated on the Omega Machine as a subroutine call to B3aST, an EM or whole brain simulation. EMs are bio-mechanical agents which house my "Ghost in the Shell".

Emulated Mind
kirk "wake up sheeple" holden

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