Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Rough Beast is pressing the Gini curve

The Rough Beast is pressing the Gini curve down hard to dry up demand for petroleum. The over heated demand makes the earth uninhabitable. Revolutions starting in North Africa will bring the first continent to homeostasis. We will all move into cities or become the drudges. The drudges hold grudges and their anger turns inward and becomes depression, fear and anxiety. They vote themselves back to penury in local elections. Then they take the state house and begin to vote erratically when the urban representatives.

Derp De Derp

Only the people that run the not-money machine matter now. Our productivity is required to be the imagination of the Rough Beast. The sovereign dept of each nation means nothing now. When another country holds a large fraction of the dept, both countries are on a common currency de facto.

The fall in productivity of the young fuels the reach of the Rough Beast so they do not need to be "working" to generate imagination. Imagination fuels the millineals. They grew up knowing everything because the knew were everything that they did not actually know could be found,

They knew where all the stuff was without knowing where all the stuff was.
They knew where all the stuff was. Stuff you knew but could not remember. Stuff you knew only a little but you knew where it was if you needed to get back to it. Stuff you really didn't know but someone you met over coffee might know. This is the second enlightenment.

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