Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Friday, February 28, 2014

Male Urban Primate Signalling Behavior

Homo Sapiens Sapiens Americus spend much time and effort playing fantasy football.
I have taken field notes from observations of signaling between various subjects
This report presents observations, interpretation and results to date of these subjects.

A and D are brothers-in-law, live in the same city, have frequent social interaction and enjoy each others company. They are in the same clan, understand each other, and communicate with ease.

P and M are professionals in the same field, work in the same office and have just met. My observations result from a first meeting of these subjects.

The first order of business is the two-part stream of consciousness. "Douglas is overtated; I let him go so that..." "You should never have..." "You were right except...". The importance of the interruption and redirection signals the both parties have, not only common knowledge, but a shared set of rules for decision making in speech acts.

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