Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Walmart is a feature, not a bug

Marx was right about how capitalism would emerge as market based, global societies. He did not, however, understand Walmart. Walmart is the admixture of the proletariat in the United States and China. In this present phase, Chinese capital and labor produce the goods that US citizens in the 99% buy and sell to each other. In time, Walmart as the sum of all proletariat trade will be seen as a feature of capitalism and not a bug or a damn shame.

Walmart is the prole's victory. We shop there and we work there. The obvious fact that working part-time at Walmart means living on food stamps and CHiP is just our unique solution to hunger and health care. It all works together really, really well and when the solution is spread to the BRICS we will all be the people of Walmart. We will live and die at Walmart and we will be fed and clothed at Walmart.

Try to imagine another way to put the economic pieces together without re-writing the genetic code or starting from scratch with 7-11 as the solution. It cannot be done or it would have been done already. The market has spoken. Just don't expect to wear the underwear more than once and be comfortable.

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