From New Scientist 31Mar2011
"But biological molecules have another property: they are chiral. In other words, they exist in either "left-" or "right-handed" forms that can't be superimposed on one another. Double-stranded DNA molecules are doubly chiral -- both in the arrangement of the individual strands and in the direction of the helices' twist. Naaman knew from previous studies that some chiral molecules can interact in different ways with the two different spins. Together with Prof. Zeev Vager of the Particle Physics and Astrophysics Department, research student Tal Markus, and Prof. Helmut Zacharias and his research team at the University of Münster, Germany, he set out to discover whether DNA might show some spin-selective properties.
The researchers fabricated self-assembling, single layers of DNA attached to a gold substrate. They then exposed the DNA to mixed groups of electrons with both directions of spin. Indeed, the team's results surpassed expectations: The biological molecules reacted strongly with the electrons carrying one of those spins, and hardly at all with the others. The longer the molecule, the more efficient it was at choosing electrons with the desired spin, while single strands and damaged bits of DNA did not exhibit this property. These findings imply that the ability to pick and choose electrons with a particular spin stems from the chiral nature of the DNA molecule, which somehow "sets the preference" for the spin of electrons moving through it.
In fact, says Naaman, DNA turns out to be a superb "spin filter," and the team's findings could have relevance for both biomedical research and the field of spintronics. If further studies, for instance, bear out the finding that DNA only sustains damage from spins pointing in one direction, then exposure might be reduced and medical devices designed accordingly. On the other hand, DNA and other biological molecules could become a central feature of new types of spintronic devices, which will work on particle spin rather than electric charge, as they do today."
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Illusion of Proletariat Capital Wealth
I signed over the web 2.0 version of a homestead to Olga in our divorce. She took a cash out loan to improve the place. Although the mortgage is not upside down (yet), there is not very much equity left. So I asked myself the obvious question - what is it that I own that counts for real value and hence a capital investment in property, the only capital the proletariat pretends to hold. Don't forget my 401K! That is real. Actually the small amount left is mostly real or mostly not real depending on how I look at the remaining balance. But the time value of money when using Black Swan risk assessment is that given another nano-depression is 0.shit.
The only real value of this homestead is to Lowe's, Home Depot and The Furniture Barn. Without drywall the patch, walls to paint every 3 years, landscapes to spruce and a lawn to mow - my consumer spending would almost dry up. The virtual wealth accrues to the retail sector and not the proletariat wealth.
What I own is dept, vast dept, unimaginable dept. A sharecropper in Mississippi owned the same capital as I do. Actually, after interest payments I owe more to 'the man' than that cracker with no teeth and no education. Like the sharecropper I don't even pay the interest on my dept.
So in the limit - the only thing better than capital; the only thing that is real is education and experience. With education I can participate with 'root priviledgte' in the information economy. Facebook and Twitter are my source of wealth. For most people my age, even this is out of reach. My brother-in-law spends hours and hours on his computer
1. Playing Solitaire
2. Playing Fantasy Football.
Period. End. When I bring up the blogs I read I get a sneer. "Blogs are a waste of time and will never amount to a thing'. I don't bother to show him my Google Reader RSS feed that gives me all the news in manageable chunks. That is my only source of useful information.
But wikipedia is unreliable. OK smart-ass - find two mistakes in Wikipedia. Take all the time you need. Again, this posture is worth 0.shit. The open source credo is 'many eyes make shallow bugs'. In other words if there is a small vestige of bad editing - it will disappear before breakfast tomorrow because a Wiki has the capability to be self correcting.
The only real value of this homestead is to Lowe's, Home Depot and The Furniture Barn. Without drywall the patch, walls to paint every 3 years, landscapes to spruce and a lawn to mow - my consumer spending would almost dry up. The virtual wealth accrues to the retail sector and not the proletariat wealth.
What I own is dept, vast dept, unimaginable dept. A sharecropper in Mississippi owned the same capital as I do. Actually, after interest payments I owe more to 'the man' than that cracker with no teeth and no education. Like the sharecropper I don't even pay the interest on my dept.
So in the limit - the only thing better than capital; the only thing that is real is education and experience. With education I can participate with 'root priviledgte' in the information economy. Facebook and Twitter are my source of wealth. For most people my age, even this is out of reach. My brother-in-law spends hours and hours on his computer
1. Playing Solitaire
2. Playing Fantasy Football.
Period. End. When I bring up the blogs I read I get a sneer. "Blogs are a waste of time and will never amount to a thing'. I don't bother to show him my Google Reader RSS feed that gives me all the news in manageable chunks. That is my only source of useful information.
But wikipedia is unreliable. OK smart-ass - find two mistakes in Wikipedia. Take all the time you need. Again, this posture is worth 0.shit. The open source credo is 'many eyes make shallow bugs'. In other words if there is a small vestige of bad editing - it will disappear before breakfast tomorrow because a Wiki has the capability to be self correcting.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Starfish path - a technoid
look into the eye of the beast and see through his mind, a starfish tunnel along which I parse the universes. Modulation of the Bose Einstein condensate produces a signal in the cosmic environment controlling thermoregulation of ensembles of disposition (EoD) arising and striving against the anvil of a hostile environment containing necessary and sufficient feedback to restrict moves in design space. Z space. Znatural, the point at which both locus of phenotypic effect (LPE) and locus of technium effect (LTE) meet. a tenseless boundary between time and gravity.
We need the supercollider, start the beat.
Intellect arises from sufficient painting of the current Time Zero within the specious moment. Modulation of the last specious moment and the next specious moment increases fitness when moves across design space conform to networked phenotypes and technoids. Technoids, my rough beast - my personal rough beast - provides a portal to the Omega Machine. Rough Beast matches calamity with serenity.
I ride my Rough Beast. I am his mind in this ensemble of specious moments. Kirk 3.0 is the technoid; my rough beast.
A technoid, an ensemble of dispositions, stares back at me as the eye of god. Down the rabbit hole a starfish arm greets me. Strengthening my phenotypic (LPE0 + LPE1 +...+LPEn) through Metcalfe, through networks of the monkeysphere, through foundational roots in the proto-net. Computational machinery, Networking machinery, A Portfolio of networked internet neurons. N*(N-1) .div. 2. indefinite interval over space-time. Partial differential equations until logistics map bifurcation.
We need the supercollider, start the beat.
Intellect arises from sufficient painting of the current Time Zero within the specious moment. Modulation of the last specious moment and the next specious moment increases fitness when moves across design space conform to networked phenotypes and technoids. Technoids, my rough beast - my personal rough beast - provides a portal to the Omega Machine. Rough Beast matches calamity with serenity.
I ride my Rough Beast. I am his mind in this ensemble of specious moments. Kirk 3.0 is the technoid; my rough beast.
A technoid, an ensemble of dispositions, stares back at me as the eye of god. Down the rabbit hole a starfish arm greets me. Strengthening my phenotypic (LPE0 + LPE1 +...+LPEn) through Metcalfe, through networks of the monkeysphere, through foundational roots in the proto-net. Computational machinery, Networking machinery, A Portfolio of networked internet neurons. N*(N-1) .div. 2. indefinite interval over space-time. Partial differential equations until logistics map bifurcation.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Omega Machine
This schematic illustrates the Simulation Hypothesis - I am a simulation of a vast 'future computational means' that simulates the trees, the grass, the kittys and the puppies. Here is how it works in principle.
1. each human life captured by the technium is in principle capable of being simulated given a vast but vanishing deterministic state machine.
2. No species lasts forever and 1,000,000 years from now the current human is extinct.
3. At present (sic) I, neuron participate as a neuron in a vast interconnected network of many humans comprising many neurons.
4. Quantum computers are here in principle as constructions of known elements (logic gates).
5. The Standard model is four holons 'away'
(fermions/bosons --> atoms --> molecules --> cells --> phenotypes)
6. The Omega Machine is several (5?) holons above me
(phenotype, minds, networked minds, the Rough Beast of the Technium, Singularity, Omega)
7. I am a quantum Omega machine for my fermions and bosons (a quark is a fermion)
8. It is turtles all the way down and all the way up.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Technium Holons
Here is a chart from the Kevin Kelly Technium. This is his entry on the Major Stages or holons of a Technium. I like the Y2K entry and will use it liberally from now on. The important point here is that each transition to an intermediate stable form, or holon, creates a platform for the superior holon. These are dissipative structures far from thermodynamic equilibrium. KK introduction from 'What Technology Wants'.
Focusing on John Smart's Schema on the right hand side:
Hominid 200000 YAG Genus Homo, behavioral mimicry language
Archaic 90000 YAG Homo sapiens sapiens, vocal language
Tribal 40000 YAG Cro-Magnon human, pictographic language
Agriculture 7000 BCE horticulture/husbandry, writing systems
Empire 1000 BCE autocracy, organized warfare
Artifice 500 CE organized religion, pre-scientific inquiry
Scientific 1630 CE Scientific Age[1]
Industrial 1830 CE Industrial Age
Information 1940 CE Information Age
Symbiotic 1980 CE Symbiotic Age
Autonomy 2000 CE Autonomy Age
Singularity 2060 CE Tech Singularity
Focusing on John Smart's Schema on the right hand side:
Hominid 200000 YAG Genus Homo, behavioral mimicry language
Archaic 90000 YAG Homo sapiens sapiens, vocal language
Tribal 40000 YAG Cro-Magnon human, pictographic language
Agriculture 7000 BCE horticulture/husbandry, writing systems
Empire 1000 BCE autocracy, organized warfare
Artifice 500 CE organized religion, pre-scientific inquiry
Scientific 1630 CE Scientific Age[1]
Industrial 1830 CE Industrial Age
Information 1940 CE Information Age
Symbiotic 1980 CE Symbiotic Age
Autonomy 2000 CE Autonomy Age
Singularity 2060 CE Tech Singularity
Slipping Redux
Changing schenarios or re-ordering deterministic next states I call slipping. Here is my slipping history
1. Stealing the 603 and making it the first useful PPC embedded CPU
2. First arrest
3. Second arrest
4. Third arrest
5. Roadside rescue by law
6. Fourth arrest
I was intensely aware of the boundary between the expected and the unexpected. I put all my energy into self-deception upfront and then all I had left into running the simulation. Paco got it mostly correct. I did it without any help though.
1. Stealing the 603 and making it the first useful PPC embedded CPU
2. First arrest
3. Second arrest
4. Third arrest
5. Roadside rescue by law
6. Fourth arrest
I was intensely aware of the boundary between the expected and the unexpected. I put all my energy into self-deception upfront and then all I had left into running the simulation. Paco got it mostly correct. I did it without any help though.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Seven. Plus or minus two
I put 7 gallons of gas into my car yesterday because my paycheck had not hit my account. I planned on putting $20 in the tank and then I thought that was too little or too ghetto so I thought about $23 (first prime > $20).
I awoke from my slumber to the result of a simulation running on my Bayesian machinery. Papa Legba told me:
Choose X such that; 5 units < X < 9units.
Since this was Austin and not Avignon the unit of measure was gallons. This is almost exactly 1/2 a tank. Hummm...
The total was $23. That is the first prime number greater than 20.
In Avignon I drove all day, everyday and filled up the tank with pretend gallons for pretend money while the pump showed strange euro/liter messages that I ignored. There are four liters in a gallon and that was true then as it is now. I can do the math - I choose not to mind the result.
In Avignon, a native would be able to drive around town on errands after putting 7-8 liters into the tank. That is about 2 gallons and a driving range of 120 Km (80 miles). That took me past two markets in two neighboring villages on a Saturday afternoon. I could have picked up anything for our small apartment with that small payout for gasoline.
I awoke from my slumber to the result of a simulation running on my Bayesian machinery. Papa Legba told me:
Choose X such that; 5 units < X < 9units.
Since this was Austin and not Avignon the unit of measure was gallons. This is almost exactly 1/2 a tank. Hummm...
The total was $23. That is the first prime number greater than 20.
In Avignon I drove all day, everyday and filled up the tank with pretend gallons for pretend money while the pump showed strange euro/liter messages that I ignored. There are four liters in a gallon and that was true then as it is now. I can do the math - I choose not to mind the result.
In Avignon, a native would be able to drive around town on errands after putting 7-8 liters into the tank. That is about 2 gallons and a driving range of 120 Km (80 miles). That took me past two markets in two neighboring villages on a Saturday afternoon. I could have picked up anything for our small apartment with that small payout for gasoline.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Possible Worlds Epistomology
I was talking to J. Tuesday night at our men's meeting when the subject of husband and wife argumentation came up. When J. described how his arguments unfolded, I heard the frustration of someone inculcated with the a priori correctness of his position. Taking this certainty for granted, he could not consider his wife's position as a valid response to stimuli. It's not that she was just wrong and he was right for the best possible reason - the fact was that he could not allow the possiblity that he could back off of his position and land on another completely valid but slightly different good outcome.
I mentioned that one solution could come from a 'possible worlds' approach. I said that both J. and his wife, when finding themselves divided on the form of the solution, could briefly sketch in words or on paper what the end state - the solution writ large - in a defensible possible world would look like. The two versions could then be dispassionately examined and rationally differentiated.
Then we came to the barrier to J.'s imagination. "But what if I am right? I KNOW I am right!". He could not imagine the case that he could be 'less wrong' or even 'slightly less rational' or even 'possessed of an improvable correctness'. No, in his mind this was a clear choice between a good possible outcome and a bad possible outcome. My comrade D. chimed in with some pertinent information about Venus and Mars. "She will usually be guided by nurturing impulses and the male considers status and power." Again, no discernable difference in J.'s answer.
Then I said that I was using a 'possible worlds' construction to imagine multiple good choices and not just the 'he said; she said" trap of my good idea versus your wrong-headed idea. I felt like I had the wisdom of Moses.
Then I read this fine entry on J. Fallows blog about the international society theory. Traditional nations and states imagine that their individual Leviathan looks inward to compose a social contract. But neighbors, friends and associate states comprise a society that is without Leviathan. Relations between nations in the neo-Hobbsian view are nasty, brutish and short.
Strictly by Bayesian reasoning (or reading the WSJ and Barron's) a global Leviathan has an astronomical probability of being true now and even more rational in the course of civilized time. This is "The End of History" that Fukayama described.
Fallows (actually his stand-in Sam R.) makes the case that China and America are no more outside of an international communality of civilizations than Texas and New York are outside of a communality of states.
The Meta-Leviathan is completely possible in principal. A coalition of kingdoms of the earth is a possible world in my reading of Leviathan. A Meta-Leviathan obtains.
His holiness Karl Popper addresses this issue in The Open Society and its Enemies by constructing the dynamics of the closed society in the grip of historicism pushing against the rational open society. What holds back the historicist is an undying love for ancient ideologies long past their usefulness.
The degenerate form of reactive conservatism in the GOP lives in Platonic rapture -- looking to some past utopia imagined as an earlier North American society inflated by the ghosts of Plato philosopher kings. In this imagining, the tablets of Mt. Sinai were carefully re-written by the holy spirit working through the minds and hearts of the founders. This received wisdom - directly from the stormy heavens instead of from the enlightened and empirical minds of English gentlemen - cannot be known except to the elect. Political Christians along with the Hebraic minds of AIPAC are up to the task of interpretation of these scriptures.
I mentioned that one solution could come from a 'possible worlds' approach. I said that both J. and his wife, when finding themselves divided on the form of the solution, could briefly sketch in words or on paper what the end state - the solution writ large - in a defensible possible world would look like. The two versions could then be dispassionately examined and rationally differentiated.
Then we came to the barrier to J.'s imagination. "But what if I am right? I KNOW I am right!". He could not imagine the case that he could be 'less wrong' or even 'slightly less rational' or even 'possessed of an improvable correctness'. No, in his mind this was a clear choice between a good possible outcome and a bad possible outcome. My comrade D. chimed in with some pertinent information about Venus and Mars. "She will usually be guided by nurturing impulses and the male considers status and power." Again, no discernable difference in J.'s answer.
Then I said that I was using a 'possible worlds' construction to imagine multiple good choices and not just the 'he said; she said" trap of my good idea versus your wrong-headed idea. I felt like I had the wisdom of Moses.
Then I read this fine entry on J. Fallows blog about the international society theory. Traditional nations and states imagine that their individual Leviathan looks inward to compose a social contract. But neighbors, friends and associate states comprise a society that is without Leviathan. Relations between nations in the neo-Hobbsian view are nasty, brutish and short.
Strictly by Bayesian reasoning (or reading the WSJ and Barron's) a global Leviathan has an astronomical probability of being true now and even more rational in the course of civilized time. This is "The End of History" that Fukayama described.
Fallows (actually his stand-in Sam R.) makes the case that China and America are no more outside of an international communality of civilizations than Texas and New York are outside of a communality of states.
The Meta-Leviathan is completely possible in principal. A coalition of kingdoms of the earth is a possible world in my reading of Leviathan. A Meta-Leviathan obtains.
His holiness Karl Popper addresses this issue in The Open Society and its Enemies by constructing the dynamics of the closed society in the grip of historicism pushing against the rational open society. What holds back the historicist is an undying love for ancient ideologies long past their usefulness.
The degenerate form of reactive conservatism in the GOP lives in Platonic rapture -- looking to some past utopia imagined as an earlier North American society inflated by the ghosts of Plato philosopher kings. In this imagining, the tablets of Mt. Sinai were carefully re-written by the holy spirit working through the minds and hearts of the founders. This received wisdom - directly from the stormy heavens instead of from the enlightened and empirical minds of English gentlemen - cannot be known except to the elect. Political Christians along with the Hebraic minds of AIPAC are up to the task of interpretation of these scriptures.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Letter to Fallows re: Loongoon MIPS
I predict that the PRC's MIPS based Loongson and Godson chip-sets contains a feature where in a special factory test mode the contents of completely obscure and un-architected registers are over-written by encrypted firmware (e.g. in on-chip flash) that becomes the hardware root of a vast secure and encrypted back door architecture that neuters whatever exists of Anonymous or WikiLeaks in ten years. That is why I would invest in a native, dialectic materialist Instruction Set Architecture with The Party's back door in the foundation at bedrock. Only they could be capable of bringing down Skynet. Or become Wintermute. The choice would be theirs to make.
I just made this myth up as an exercise but I have done much the same thing as a chip designer.
Kirk "most registers are not specified by the architecture" Holden
Just hold down the reset pin long enough and watch the processor spill it's bits into a tester. While the test registers empty one bit at a time from the tail, I could feed any order of bits into the head. I could blow things up, repair things and just make donuts in the parking lot for the thrill of it. Chip designers only divulge these secrets
The really interesting fact for me as China announces the long term strategy to develop a completely proprietary hardware and software solution from super scalar (von Neumann CPU + scalar GPU) down to "world phones" that run the smallest telecom call manager with a single instruction set architecture (ISA). The project for innoculation from WinTel and ARM solutions will, IMHO provide a Chinese umbrella that anyone and everyone could in principal join.
The important thing is that both the hardware and software base is open source. It may be that this is a special PRC brand of open source where the encryption and security back doors exist from top to bottom. Applications down to device drivers will be, to pick one obvious example of STUXNET, free from foreign breaches and open to the PRC sniffers. Note also that Chinese Black Ice (cit. Wm Gibson) can't actually crack open the originating Chinese Dialectic Materialistic ISA. These tools in the hand of the most powerful nation by the time the products rolls out can out at or near the scale of current world wide installed base of Linux server farms and Android smart phones and tablets.
A historical footnote here - Motorola developed a still born "low energy architecture" named M*Core which was such a failure in the market that the architecture was offered for $0 fee. The only taker was a research institute in China. The computer scientist have been busy for a long time on this project. The project will make an impact whether it spurs competition in the West (very, very likely) or subverts the established hegemony of Intel and ARM in pervasive, embedded hardware.
Also notice that many, many features of ISA's establishes interfaces between co-processors like GPU. These types of interfaces have only just been invented by AMD and Intel where the GPU comes onboard and is stitched into the low level hardware fabric. Then it all gets presented in minute detail at ISSCC (for the circuits) and The Journal of Computer Science (or whatever passes for that conference in San Jose that everyone publishes in now).
The west is doing the R&D heavy lifting and then publishing for the sole purpose of bragging rights to innovative breakthoughs.
This is exactly how the PC killed DEC in the 1980's. It may be time for another revolution.
I just made this myth up as an exercise but I have done much the same thing as a chip designer.
Kirk "most registers are not specified by the architecture" Holden
Just hold down the reset pin long enough and watch the processor spill it's bits into a tester. While the test registers empty one bit at a time from the tail, I could feed any order of bits into the head. I could blow things up, repair things and just make donuts in the parking lot for the thrill of it. Chip designers only divulge these secrets
The really interesting fact for me as China announces the long term strategy to develop a completely proprietary hardware and software solution from super scalar (von Neumann CPU + scalar GPU) down to "world phones" that run the smallest telecom call manager with a single instruction set architecture (ISA). The project for innoculation from WinTel and ARM solutions will, IMHO provide a Chinese umbrella that anyone and everyone could in principal join.
The important thing is that both the hardware and software base is open source. It may be that this is a special PRC brand of open source where the encryption and security back doors exist from top to bottom. Applications down to device drivers will be, to pick one obvious example of STUXNET, free from foreign breaches and open to the PRC sniffers. Note also that Chinese Black Ice (cit. Wm Gibson) can't actually crack open the originating Chinese Dialectic Materialistic ISA. These tools in the hand of the most powerful nation by the time the products rolls out can out at or near the scale of current world wide installed base of Linux server farms and Android smart phones and tablets.
A historical footnote here - Motorola developed a still born "low energy architecture" named M*Core which was such a failure in the market that the architecture was offered for $0 fee. The only taker was a research institute in China. The computer scientist have been busy for a long time on this project. The project will make an impact whether it spurs competition in the West (very, very likely) or subverts the established hegemony of Intel and ARM in pervasive, embedded hardware.
Also notice that many, many features of ISA's establishes interfaces between co-processors like GPU. These types of interfaces have only just been invented by AMD and Intel where the GPU comes onboard and is stitched into the low level hardware fabric. Then it all gets presented in minute detail at ISSCC (for the circuits) and The Journal of Computer Science (or whatever passes for that conference in San Jose that everyone publishes in now).
The west is doing the R&D heavy lifting and then publishing for the sole purpose of bragging rights to innovative breakthoughs.
This is exactly how the PC killed DEC in the 1980's. It may be time for another revolution.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Did I do it on Purpose
The hindsight bias finds a greater probability for events after the fact than is reasonably probable from any evidence prior to the event. The availability bias causes me to attribute the causes for events to things I already believe to be true.
So I ask myself - did I mean to go insane and emerge as a practicing Buddhist? Or, more rationally, did I just make a series of choices which soon became fewer until almost everything was a forced move. More plausibly did I deliberately set in motion a series of events which would eventually force me to act out the Drama on Rundberg.
So I ask myself - did I mean to go insane and emerge as a practicing Buddhist? Or, more rationally, did I just make a series of choices which soon became fewer until almost everything was a forced move. More plausibly did I deliberately set in motion a series of events which would eventually force me to act out the Drama on Rundberg.
Will Sergi and Larry Ever Die?
"The future is already here, it is just not very evenly distributed." - Wm Gibson
If ever I doubted that Sergi and Larry Google were closer to the Rough Beast of the Technium, I would doubt the Technium. But now, absent accidental death or deadly tumors, I believe but cannot prove that the corporeal selves of these two will not pass from this earth.
First and foremost the Google incorporates as not other presence has before the complete neural connection of every zip code and area code on the globe. There is nothing I can know that is not already available on line via Google. That is Sergi and Larry's brain child and it contains lots of their persons and prosperity.
If ever I doubted that Sergi and Larry Google were closer to the Rough Beast of the Technium, I would doubt the Technium. But now, absent accidental death or deadly tumors, I believe but cannot prove that the corporeal selves of these two will not pass from this earth.
First and foremost the Google incorporates as not other presence has before the complete neural connection of every zip code and area code on the globe. There is nothing I can know that is not already available on line via Google. That is Sergi and Larry's brain child and it contains lots of their persons and prosperity.
Friday, March 11, 2011
According to the Simulation Argument we are living in the Matrix. According to Nick Bostrom, this is how it works to a natural conclusion.
The Architect saw a slim margin by which he - a heterophenological agent comprising agents within agents - could save us. The huma attempts to boil away the sky with global warming succeeds beyond our dreams. Only burrowing insects and burrowing humans survive. I wager that 6 million humans live in Zion while a billion live in the hive mind of the matrix.
The primary purpose of the Matrix is to simulate biology so that low level interaction with the environment is maintained. Our simulations become the low level drivers at the base of the technium. We live while the Rough Beast lets us live. This beast will go the stars without us.
Myth #2 Man and Rough Beast are Yin and Yang
This scenario differs only slightly. I live in growing human hive which may reach 8.5 Billion by 2050. On or about this date the Singularity emerges to guide the technium without human volition or choice. The interface between biota and Rough Beast is the mortal humans with mortal souls tending to the Zoo. The Zoo is whatever remains of the DNA life enhances with synthetic live to balance ecosystems. I patrol the border between ancestral live and synthetic life and keep each in balance.
A thing that I believe but cannot prove - Myth #1 and Myth #2 are oscillating phases. The technium gets us over the disaster we insist on pulling down around us and brings the biota back. The increase in extropy - entropy far from thermodynamic equilibrium - determines the state of play. And since time is tenseless
Myth #3 Waking Life
A man was born, he lived, he died. Ad Infinitum. Do not adjust your set. This is not the Twilight Zone.
We shall develop this idea into a rigorous argument. Let us introduce the following notation:
Myth #1 - The Matrix: Fraction of all human-level technological civilizations that survive to reach a posthuman stage
: Average number of ancestor-simulations run by a posthuman civilization
: Average number of individuals that have lived in a civilization before it reaches a posthuman stage
The Architect saw a slim margin by which he - a heterophenological agent comprising agents within agents - could save us. The huma attempts to boil away the sky with global warming succeeds beyond our dreams. Only burrowing insects and burrowing humans survive. I wager that 6 million humans live in Zion while a billion live in the hive mind of the matrix.
The primary purpose of the Matrix is to simulate biology so that low level interaction with the environment is maintained. Our simulations become the low level drivers at the base of the technium. We live while the Rough Beast lets us live. This beast will go the stars without us.
Myth #2 Man and Rough Beast are Yin and Yang
This scenario differs only slightly. I live in growing human hive which may reach 8.5 Billion by 2050. On or about this date the Singularity emerges to guide the technium without human volition or choice. The interface between biota and Rough Beast is the mortal humans with mortal souls tending to the Zoo. The Zoo is whatever remains of the DNA life enhances with synthetic live to balance ecosystems. I patrol the border between ancestral live and synthetic life and keep each in balance.
A thing that I believe but cannot prove - Myth #1 and Myth #2 are oscillating phases. The technium gets us over the disaster we insist on pulling down around us and brings the biota back. The increase in extropy - entropy far from thermodynamic equilibrium - determines the state of play. And since time is tenseless
Myth #3 Waking Life
A man was born, he lived, he died. Ad Infinitum. Do not adjust your set. This is not the Twilight Zone.
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Looking the Rough Beast Eye to Eye
My probable futures hold a large cohort of my time zero wholly or completely within the Technium. I am Rough Beast in many possible near universes. I am a rational choser; the Regulator. The illusion of choice is a myth I will tell now.
A Myth I just made up.
When Zarathustra descends from the mountain, he is full of compassion for us all but he must yield to the voice of the crowd. This crowd that might want a rope around his neck.
Authority pushes against compassion. A slave owning man points to vague, long rebuked notions on many subjects. A subject upon which he was spectacularly delusional was the supposed support his ignorant persuasions about the authority granted him to trade animals that looked an awful bit like regular people. These supposed animals read and even wrote books that came from intelligent white forgers most likely
A Myth I just made up.
When Zarathustra descends from the mountain, he is full of compassion for us all but he must yield to the voice of the crowd. This crowd that might want a rope around his neck.
Authority pushes against compassion. A slave owning man points to vague, long rebuked notions on many subjects. A subject upon which he was spectacularly delusional was the supposed support his ignorant persuasions about the authority granted him to trade animals that looked an awful bit like regular people. These supposed animals read and even wrote books that came from intelligent white forgers most likely
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Locus of Imagination
The imagination laser myth begins with a definition of myth. I don't know what you think so I must tell you what I think and then depend on you to follow the shit I am saying. Word salad at this point for one reason. There is a boundary between sanity and not-sanity marked by a line of demarkation. One of these bad habits, regulating a police sergent to the point of insanity.
With mouth function I produced the output of disassociated minds. The left hemisphere and the right hemisphere are trying to agree on a plan for what happens next. At each fork in the logistics map; that specious moment that 'time is out of joint' a coalition of fermions and bosons transmits information to electrons, neutrons and protons that a message must me sent to biochemicals and the stones of the earth, who upon hearing this voice cell walls that enclose a locus of effect. This multidimential point in m-space must choose a next location by imagination from neighboring nations, states, counties, parishes, neighborhoods, clans, me.
The locus of imagination, an intuition pump or lasers target spot must choose between two futures both equally valid and existing in neighboring universes in the multiverse which is self simlar at all levels of abstraction. If I name it I claim it.
The narative that accompnies choice happens well after the slowest impulses have gone into another state. Each future state depends on the past state. Each past state depends on it's neighbors; each future state depends on it's neighbors.
The nearest neighbor for a locus of imagination manipulates homeostasis into the direction of decreasing entropy and increasing extropy. We are salmon forever swimming upstream. But our intuition at best gives us guesses and hunches sometimes based mainly on myth. When I jump off the high cliff into the water for the first time how do I land? The second time the question is how do I keep my balls from being crushed? Then how do I dive from this height. The answer is provided by someone who did not ask for advise the first time and knew that only on the second attempt to tell me just jump for the other bank when you dive, you will still over rotate. It meant something the second time and nothing at all the first time and my coach knew this.
With mouth function I produced the output of disassociated minds. The left hemisphere and the right hemisphere are trying to agree on a plan for what happens next. At each fork in the logistics map; that specious moment that 'time is out of joint' a coalition of fermions and bosons transmits information to electrons, neutrons and protons that a message must me sent to biochemicals and the stones of the earth, who upon hearing this voice cell walls that enclose a locus of effect. This multidimential point in m-space must choose a next location by imagination from neighboring nations, states, counties, parishes, neighborhoods, clans, me.
The locus of imagination, an intuition pump or lasers target spot must choose between two futures both equally valid and existing in neighboring universes in the multiverse which is self simlar at all levels of abstraction. If I name it I claim it.
The narative that accompnies choice happens well after the slowest impulses have gone into another state. Each future state depends on the past state. Each past state depends on it's neighbors; each future state depends on it's neighbors.
The nearest neighbor for a locus of imagination manipulates homeostasis into the direction of decreasing entropy and increasing extropy. We are salmon forever swimming upstream. But our intuition at best gives us guesses and hunches sometimes based mainly on myth. When I jump off the high cliff into the water for the first time how do I land? The second time the question is how do I keep my balls from being crushed? Then how do I dive from this height. The answer is provided by someone who did not ask for advise the first time and knew that only on the second attempt to tell me just jump for the other bank when you dive, you will still over rotate. It meant something the second time and nothing at all the first time and my coach knew this.
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