Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Seven. Plus or minus two

I put 7 gallons of gas into my car yesterday because my paycheck had not hit my account. I planned on putting $20 in the tank and then I thought that was too little or too ghetto so I thought about $23 (first prime > $20).

I awoke from my slumber to the result of a simulation running on my Bayesian machinery. Papa Legba told me:
Choose X such that; 5 units < X < 9units.
Since this was Austin and not Avignon the unit of measure was gallons. This is almost exactly 1/2 a tank. Hummm...

The total was $23. That is the first prime number greater than 20.

In Avignon I drove all day, everyday and filled up the tank with pretend gallons for pretend money while the pump showed strange euro/liter messages that I ignored. There are four liters in a gallon and that was true then as it is now. I can do the math - I choose not to mind the result.

In Avignon, a native would be able to drive around town on errands after putting 7-8 liters into the tank. That is about 2 gallons and a driving range of 120 Km (80 miles). That took me past two markets in two neighboring villages on a Saturday afternoon. I could have picked up anything for our small apartment with that small payout for gasoline.


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