This schematic illustrates the Simulation Hypothesis - I am a simulation of a vast 'future computational means' that simulates the trees, the grass, the kittys and the puppies. Here is how it works in principle.
1. each human life captured by the technium is in principle capable of being simulated given a vast but vanishing deterministic state machine.
2. No species lasts forever and 1,000,000 years from now the current human is extinct.
3. At present (sic) I, neuron participate as a neuron in a vast interconnected network of many humans comprising many neurons.
4. Quantum computers are here in principle as constructions of known elements (logic gates).
5. The Standard model is four holons 'away'
(fermions/bosons --> atoms --> molecules --> cells --> phenotypes)
6. The Omega Machine is several (5?) holons above me
(phenotype, minds, networked minds, the Rough Beast of the Technium, Singularity, Omega)
7. I am a quantum Omega machine for my fermions and bosons (a quark is a fermion)
8. It is turtles all the way down and all the way up.

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