Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Locus of Imagination

The imagination laser myth begins with a definition of myth. I don't know what you think so I must tell you what I think and then depend on you to follow the shit I am saying. Word salad at this point for one reason. There is a boundary between sanity and not-sanity marked by a line of demarkation. One of these bad habits, regulating a police sergent to the point of insanity.

With mouth function I produced the output of disassociated minds. The left hemisphere and the right hemisphere are trying to agree on a plan for what happens next. At each fork in the logistics map; that specious moment that 'time is out of joint' a coalition of fermions and bosons transmits information to electrons, neutrons and protons that a message must me sent to biochemicals and the stones of the earth, who upon hearing this voice cell walls that enclose a locus of effect. This multidimential point in m-space must choose a next location by imagination from neighboring nations, states, counties, parishes, neighborhoods, clans, me.

The locus of imagination, an intuition pump or lasers target spot must choose between two futures both equally valid and existing in neighboring universes in the multiverse which is self simlar at all levels of abstraction. If I name it I claim it.

The narative that accompnies choice happens well after the slowest impulses have gone into another state. Each future state depends on the past state. Each past state depends on it's neighbors; each future state depends on it's neighbors.

The nearest neighbor for a locus of imagination manipulates homeostasis into the direction of decreasing entropy and increasing extropy. We are salmon forever swimming upstream. But our intuition at best gives us guesses and hunches sometimes based mainly on myth. When I jump off the high cliff into the water for the first time how do I land? The second time the question is how do I keep my balls from being crushed? Then how do I dive from this height. The answer is provided by someone who did not ask for advise the first time and knew that only on the second attempt to tell me just jump for the other bank when you dive, you will still over rotate. It meant something the second time and nothing at all the first time and my coach knew this.

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