Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Technium Holons

Here is a chart from the Kevin Kelly Technium. This is his entry on the Major Stages or holons of a Technium. I like the Y2K entry and will use it liberally from now on. The important point here is that each transition to an intermediate stable form, or holon, creates a platform for the superior holon. These are dissipative structures far from thermodynamic equilibrium. KK introduction from 'What Technology Wants'.
 Focusing on John Smart's Schema on the right hand side:

Hominid    200000 YAG    Genus Homo, behavioral mimicry language
Archaic    90000 YAG    Homo sapiens sapiens, vocal language
Tribal    40000 YAG    Cro-Magnon human, pictographic language
Agriculture    7000 BCE    horticulture/husbandry, writing systems
Empire    1000 BCE    autocracy, organized warfare
Artifice    500 CE    organized religion, pre-scientific inquiry
Scientific    1630 CE    Scientific Age[1]
Industrial    1830 CE    Industrial Age
Information    1940 CE    Information Age
Symbiotic    1980 CE    Symbiotic Age
Autonomy    2000 CE    Autonomy Age
Singularity    2060 CE    Tech Singularity

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