We shall develop this idea into a rigorous argument. Let us introduce the following notation:
Myth #1 - The Matrix: Fraction of all human-level technological civilizations that survive to reach a posthuman stage
: Average number of ancestor-simulations run by a posthuman civilization
: Average number of individuals that have lived in a civilization before it reaches a posthuman stage
The Architect saw a slim margin by which he - a heterophenological agent comprising agents within agents - could save us. The huma attempts to boil away the sky with global warming succeeds beyond our dreams. Only burrowing insects and burrowing humans survive. I wager that 6 million humans live in Zion while a billion live in the hive mind of the matrix.
The primary purpose of the Matrix is to simulate biology so that low level interaction with the environment is maintained. Our simulations become the low level drivers at the base of the technium. We live while the Rough Beast lets us live. This beast will go the stars without us.
Myth #2 Man and Rough Beast are Yin and Yang
This scenario differs only slightly. I live in growing human hive which may reach 8.5 Billion by 2050. On or about this date the Singularity emerges to guide the technium without human volition or choice. The interface between biota and Rough Beast is the mortal humans with mortal souls tending to the Zoo. The Zoo is whatever remains of the DNA life enhances with synthetic live to balance ecosystems. I patrol the border between ancestral live and synthetic life and keep each in balance.
A thing that I believe but cannot prove - Myth #1 and Myth #2 are oscillating phases. The technium gets us over the disaster we insist on pulling down around us and brings the biota back. The increase in extropy - entropy far from thermodynamic equilibrium - determines the state of play. And since time is tenseless
Myth #3 Waking Life
A man was born, he lived, he died. Ad Infinitum. Do not adjust your set. This is not the Twilight Zone.
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