Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Friday, April 08, 2011

Siderial Dome Window

I spent a good portion of my youth doing two things for wages. I chopped cedar for two summers and I cleaned new apartments for the first occupant. There came a thing - a thing as real as me - that opened heaven itself. I built my first geodesic dome when I was 16. I had The Dome Book and I was going to change the race, the planet and the stars.

-----------------------------$<------------- begin crazy talk--------------

To understand a geodesic start with a triangle. Look at a Doritos chip with all of the corners bent in the same direction. That triangle is now an algorithm. 2D to 3D from bisecting each edge and shortening the edges that touch the tips to get them to draw themselves. A dome just has to do this over and over again.

 The frequency of a dome equals the number of segments between the primary vertices (the tips of the Dorito you started with)

Domes can make offshoots from the sphere that approaches the volume of the enclosing circle. Just like a man starting from 10 feet away takes 1/2 a step to an encroaching wall repeatedly. This jackass will approach but never touch the wall. His steps never reach zero feet or microns or Angstroms from the wall. On this scale he would still have 1/2 an Angstrom to go. Atoms are measured in Angstroms because these are very small fractions. But they never reach zero.

There exists at time zero an ensemble of dispositions represented by superposition of a probability distribution Znatural along with a probability function ~Znatural. Together these entangled assembly of known parts, available from dissipative structures far from thermodynamic equilibrium, oscillate at at a center frequency modulated by output means of the noo'sphere. These means include especially but not solely a imagination amplification by stimulated emission of happiness. iaseh. I-ASH-E.

The LHC will not do*, we must have the supercollider on line.
Read Walden Two
----------------------------------->%----------------- end crazy talk -------

In the dome book, there was a picture that I did not figure out until just now. On a 5/8ths 3 frequency geodesic dome there is an arch of glass skins aligned with the wheel of heaven. The milky way or the wheel of the zodiac could be lined up with strip of window that went from one side of the floor to the other. None of my domes had that kind of window pattern. We framed it on the floor conventionally with balloon framing.

The milky way arm covers our night sky because we are in this arm. Other planets with observers can see our sun as a milky way planet amounts billions of other fellow travelers.

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