Rough Beast

Rough Beast
Grifo Mecanico - Diego Mazzeo

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Singular Moment

The singular moment occurs at bifurcation points. A slip between vanishingly small, thin boundary or line of demarcation. In our science so far the smallest distance possible is a Plank Length. Plank derived the several constants from his Plank's Constant. and a minimum possible time (a photon traveling at the speed of light across a tiny running track) and minimal length (to be smaller would collapse every wave equation)

Because we cause to be known such things by observation predicted from Quantum Mechanics. If the world works differently than Plank predicted then it would not be a universe we would be in. We would be part of a multiverse but in a sum over history path for each probable path (a vast quantity) over probable paths. Each path has a Metcalfe score based on how many slips or information from a neighboring multiverse, like cells in my body. Each singular moment has a trace path in doubly linked list. Any pair of multiverse contrivances pass information constantly about the state of an ensemble of dispositions that maintain homeostasis.

Unpacking the terms.
Ensemble of Dispositions
Double Linked - entangled, admixture, binary addresses and pointers. Holographic signature or singular moment tag or packet header. Each packet carries a payload or an instruction or null space that can be used for anything. Jumbo packets carry emergency messages that stretch time. Bored moments where time was compressed by folding into (admixture) a noospace dissapative structure far from thermodynamic equibrium.

dissapative structure far from thermodynamic equibrium.

From the witness of chaos and complexity - order for free. The order comes from systems poised at bifurcation points on a logistics maps

bifurcation points on a logistics maps
The tree or branch diagram was based on ethology or the study of the behavior of animal populations. Richard Dawkins is an ethologist. At low levels of prey and predator (e.g. impala vs. lions) there is a strictly maintained birth/death ratio for each team that is linear and predictable up to a certain population size. At a singular moment a young predator or prey does not die at the average time between birth and death. An eagle missed the young lion perhaps. Suddenly this small difference - at a specific prior and next 'specious moment' where the predator/prey linear relationship goes chaotic. We enter a state of a system at a local maximum for a bifucation locus to split into two parts. These paths are both possible - and they oscillate or follow a completely different linear function until the next bifurcation path.

Bifurcation locus - the Mandelbrot Set is a BL. the dynamical behavior changes drastically under a small perturbation of the parameter.

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